Don't Fall for me

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'I tried to tell you don't fall for me'

"You really think you just about to cut me off and walk out the door in one piece?" I started off with yas since I wanted to get her difficult ass out the way first but just as I predicted she wasn't taking the news well.

"You knew what you was signing up for when you first started fucking with me so hell yeah I'm gone walk out this door in one piece"

"So this is really it?" Her voice was shaky as tears cloud her eyes.

"Nah this for fake, look our situationship was toxic as fuck and you know it, all we ever did was get high and fuck I felt like I had to be off the drugs to even want to be around you"

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I wish ya crazy ass the best and all that good shit but I gotta go, I'll see you when I see you" I tell her standing up from the couch walking over to the door.

"You really ain't shit" She chuckles wiping her tears as I open the door.

"And you knew that so I don't know why you standing over there hurt" I say walking out closing the door behind me. I let out a sigh feeling a weight lift off my shoulder, that was long overdue she had got way to attached and I let her. I knew she wasn't gone let me walk away this easy cause she's delusional but I made it out her crib alive so mission successful.

Next on the list was kiesha she lived right across the courtyard in the opposite building. Walking across the courtyard I entered the building starting my long walk up the flight of stairs. Once I reached the 6th floor I stop at the top of the stairs catching my breath before walking over to her door knocking twice.

The door swung open and she moves to the side letting me walk in before closing the door behind me.

"You can take a seat" She said taking a seat on the couch.

"It's better if I stand cause I'm gone make this quick, whatever we had sexually is dead but you was my homie before anything so if you ever need anything don't hesitate to hit me up but as far as us fucking I gotta dead that"

"Can't say that I'm not disappointed but atleast you weren't a coward and told me to my face unlike these other niggas" She chuckles standing up from the couch walking past me into the kitchen.

"When have I ever been like these other niggas" I smirk and she smiles shaking her head.

"Touché, so I guess this is goodbye" She smiles sadly.

"What I just say? You was homie before anything so I'm gone always fuck witchu"

"Hug" She smiles holding her arms out. I chuckle pulling her into a hug.

"J whoever the girl is, please don't fuck it up" She sighs.

"I gotchu" I say as I pull back from the hug taking the sides of her face in my hands.

"Stop looking for love in the wrong places and find yourself, you one of the most beautiful women I know, I just want you to see it" I wipe a stray tear from her cheek before placing a single kiss on her forehead.

I drove all the way to Brooklyn just to have glass plates and cups thrown at me, I expected yas to throw shit not krystal but I'm not buggin cause her aim trash. By the time I got back to Harlem it was around the time mia said her shift was over at the club so I went over there and cut that off and as expected she took it better than all of them cause she had a nigga anyways.

My phone vibrates in the cup holder and I pick it up seeing it was another message from Brittany. She been blowing me up non stop, got me regretting looking her way, I told her from the start what I was on so I don't know why she bugging.

Britbrat😍- so this what you do🤔

Britbrat😍- nigga fuck you

To: Britbrat😍- I thought you knew

A police siren sounds and I look in my mirror seeing flashing red and blue lights.

"Fuck" I mumble pulling over to the side of the street ashing the blunt I was smoking.

I sat back looking in the mirror watching him get out his cruiser and approach the car. He taps my window and I roll it down.

"How can I help you officer?"

"Are you aware that you just ran the stop sign?"

"Deadass? I didn't even see a stop sign"

"Are you under the influence?" He asks boring his flashlight in my eyes.

"I ride alone so I'll never be mislead"

"I'm going to have to ask you to step out the car" I nod opening the door stepping out the car.

He cuffs my wrists and tells me to stand infront of his cruiser before walking back over to my car searching.

After a few minutes he walks back over to me with the half a blunt and a sack of weed.

"I'm going to have to take you into custody for possession of narcotics, your car will be towed if you have any further questions you can ask when you bail out, if you bail out" He read me my miranda rights before stuffing me in the back of the cruiser.

Once we got back to the station I was booked and giving my phone call.

"Answer nigga" I mumble. The phone rung one more time before the voicemail sounds.

I angrily hung up the phone before dialing one more number, the phone rung and rung and rung until the voicemail came on.

"I'm down at the 28th precinct I just got booked for some petty shit and I need to be bailed out c--"

"Your time is up, hang up the phone and let's go" A bald officer spoke cutting me off. Smacking my lips I slam the phone down on the receiver before he grabs my arm walking me to the holding cell.

If the net neutrality bill is passed I just wanna say I enjoyed writing for y'all ❤ we had a good run 😢

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