Chapter 1

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(Y/n) walked through the vent, as quietly as the tin surroundings allowed her to be. Her stomach growled and she stoped, falling to her knees and gripping her stomach in pain. After the pain passed she continued to walk, seeing what looked like a dead rat in the corner of the vent. Picking it up she bit into it's fur, her teeth ripping the flesh off it's bones and devouring it hurridly. Swallowing it down with slight blood dripping from her mouth and down her chin.

(Y/n) continued to walk, pulling her hood down to fix her (h/c) hair. Her (e/c) eye's glistened in the dark, due to the refection of the vent walls around her. After straigtening her hair and flattening it out so to looked like it was brushed, she pulled her hood back over her head to hide her face. She lit her lighter and continued to walk. Eventually she found a little nome and picked it up, hugging the small creature. Using her lighter to light the lantern near it she thought it would be a good place to rest, so she did.

Waking up and rubbing her eyes she had a mini panic due to the different suroundings. A first she thought the Janitor had found her and taken her but she was proved wrong due to the nomes standing around her. There was about twelve identical looking nomes watching her. Surprised she took in her surroundings.

Mostly wooden type workshop covered in black ink, tons of posters involving characters called 'Bendy', 'Boris' and 'Alice Angel'. The room she and the nomes were currently in had seats allined to stare at a white screen with multiple instruments and microphones scattered around the room. Looking up she saw a room with a weird device and a carboard cut out of the 'Bendy' character. Walking out of the room she saw another poster and that the halls forked. Turning to the left she saw a flight of stairs.

(Y/n) walked up the stairs and saw a microphone and more posters along with the weird device she didn't know the name of. She quickly noticed the 'Bendy' cut out was no longer in the room, she looked through the glass and saw that two 'Bendy' cut outs stood below, mangled within the seats and nomes that decided not to follow her. (Y/n) cocked her head to the side and frowned in confusion.

"Uh kid? How'd you get in here?" A deep voice asks. (Y/n) flinches slightly, having not heard a normal voice in a long time and slowly turns to face the owner of the voice. A man with dark skin and brown, fuzzy hair stood infront of her. She wore a white, dress shirt and denim overalls rolled up to his knees. He wore black dress shoes and had small, rectangular glasses on his nose procecting his emerald green eyes. His facial hair consisted of a short, fuzzy, brown beard.

(Y/n) stayed silent, fearing her voice wouldn't sound right, she hadn't spoken since she woke up in the bottom of the maw. "Its okay, I-I'm Henry, I'm stuck here with you, what's your name young one?" Henry asked stepping forward. "I' name me Six," She responded, chosing her words carefully. Henry must've found the name odd because he gave her a strange look. "How old are you?" He asks, after a minute of silence. "I'm nine," she replied, staring drowsily at Henry. "C'mon kid, you must be tired," Henry said, picking (Y/n) up and cradling her in his arms as he walked back down the stairs. (Y/n) yawned and started to fall asleep in Henry's embrace.

".......x! .....six! ....Six! ..SIX!" Henry yelled, shaking the young girl awake. "Huh, wha- Henry?" She groaned, sitting up and placing a hand on her head. "You started to have a nightmare so I put you down, I woke you up when you started crying," Henry explained quietly. (Y/n) placed a hand to her cheek and felt the tear stains on her cheek. "Are nightmares common for you?" Henry asked. (Y/n) nodded slightly, streaching her arms up. "I guess that's why you look sleep deprived," he sighed.

"Well, c'mon kiddo, we gotta get outta here," Henry muttered, taking (Y/n)'s hand and leading her through the workshop. "This is where I entered," Henry groaned, attempting to kick the door. As his foot came back in contact with the floor, however, it collapsed causing both to fall downwards. (Y/n) landed on top of Henry's torso winding him. Henry coughed and gasped for air as (Y/n) helped him up. The old man leaned against a wall and heaved, breathing heavily for a few minutes until his breathing got back to normal. "Axe," (Y/n) said monotonously, staring up at the weapon. "We can use this," Henry heaved, holding the axe in one hand and (Y/n)'s hand in the other.

They walked through ink filled halls and at one point saw someone walk past. "H-hey!? Can you help us?" Henry called, the guy just continued to walk. (Y/n) and Henry walked into the hallway a saw a dead end. The guy was no where to be seen and instead was another 'Bendy' cut out. "Why are there so many of those here?" (Y/n) asked. "It is an animation studio," Henry murmured. "What's an 'animation'?" (Y/n) asked. Henry FLIPPED.

"An animation is a group of pictures changed slightky to make a movie image," Henry explained, (Y/n) nodded simply and they continued to walk through the ink filled workshop. "Another fork, which way little Six?" Henry asked. Looking both way (Y/n) turned right and Henry followed. A thud sound was heard and Henry and (Y/n) collapsed on the ground. "This is an interesting change in plans, oh well, at least I have two sacrifieses for my lord now," was the last (Y/n) heard before falling to a land of pure darkness, known as sleep. The dark phigure dragged the two people into the music department and used some nearby ripe to tie them tightly to a pillar.

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