My eye's Story

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My face has two scars,

The second one I had received from my old friend Mira Takaoki, I had shown my red eyes and my scared eye to her while she was looking at white roses. Her first reaction was to attack me fearing I was a threat. Unfortunately for me she always had her lucky knife on her belt. It was only until I was crying in pain and the ambulance had arrived she realized it was me. I needed stitches across my face it was more in-depth on my right cheek, so the scar is fatter on that side, it thins out as it progresses along my face. I had baby scars on my arms from her trying to attack me as well but nothing severe that you couldn't mistake for a birthmark.

The first scar I ever had was my eye... This story is an entirely different story and one that I'm... not wholly ready to tell.

But apparently writing in this journal will help me according to Haruhi, so here goes.


I was only one year old; I was in the hospital as they rushed me to surgery. I cant remember all of it of course, but I know the story from my dad.

Apparently, I had a Hypo a sporadic disease it only affects two babies in around 7 billion. That means just two people in the world have it right now. I didn't get full effect it was only in my eyes. It only affects twins and only one of them.

So luckily Haruhi was born without any problems, It developed from my left eye when I turned a year old after staying inactive in my brain since I was born it showed up. It was quick paced. The results were much worse than a full body hypo patient.

My eye started bleeding during lunch; my mom was in court, so she had to reschedule the case for tomorrow. THey put me through an MRI machine, that part I remember, it felt uncomfortable and scary I remember moving into it the man telling me I couldn't move.

They found nothing in the MIR scan and looked for every possible problem of why my eye was bleeding. It turns out my eye was eating away at its self I wouldn't be able to see anymore no doubt, but if they didn't remove the eye it could spread to my other eye then my brain,

From this, they searched for Metrol and Hypo the two rare diseases Metrol is one disease that is like a baby hypo it affects twins but only their eyes and heart. However, Hypo is every organ in your body being weak. Hypo Slows down every organ in the body, and without proper medication, you will die in a year, first, you will become unmovable and your systems failing then you will die.

It causes multiple reactions too such as, seizures, heart attacks, fevers, etc...

It's like your body is in slow motion, this was what was happening in my eye. Usually, they expected metrol and could solve it in a few weeks with pills, but it was hypo since Hypo is something you have to look for it went untreated for an entire year,

So they took me in surgery and removed my eye successfully saving my life,

My scar is not a scar, sure the baby scar that goes through my eyebrow and down to my cheekbone is a scar, but that's not what scares people. Its whats left over that scares people. The let call it a hole, just a hole where my eye is supposed to be, I was allergic to the prosthetics and we didn't have enough money for the replacement that I wasn't allergic to...

So that's the story when I turned 1 I lost my eye due to focused Hypo. I was allergic to the fake eyes and unable to use them. People are afraid of my eye that has a small scar.

I've asked people why they are so afraid and they said to me.

"I thought I saw your eye looking back at me like it was going deep into my soul and trying to find my weakness. I felt vulnerable and cold and like red surrounded me."

I don't know if they were dramatic. But I know for a fact that my eye scares others, so I treat my self like Medusa or a Basilisk that cant look into eyes without making them a stone or petrifying them.

That's my life... and its surrounded it red 

Hirashi, Haruhis Brother {Ouran high School Host Club}Where stories live. Discover now