Chapter 2 (EDI)

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(This chapter is dedicated to breggan14 this use to say the only person who reads this but now I'm proud to say @breggan14 isn't the only one who reads this. So this dedication is to breggan14 for being one of my very first readers. -Edit Aug 23rd, 2017

My sister and I bought the coffee and the hosts

called it "commoners coffee."

"If you don't like I will go back and buy more. Sorry for not buying you expensive coffee" Haruhi said

"No I think I will try it," he said dramatically. They went over somewhere to make it. A woman with red hair speaks up not looking at anyone acting like she is the queen...

"Don't be kidding Tamaki you won't be able to stomach that crap."

I already don't like her...Haruhi looked at her and said,

"Excuse me?"

"Oh sorry I was just talking to myself."

Haruhi nods and goes to help Tamaki make the coffee.

"Don't you dare touch my brother, if you don't you will regret it," I tell her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, crybaby."

The reason she said that was because my eyes were watering the contacts were bugging my eyes. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I took them out and looked at myself leaning over the sink. All I can see is red my red eyes. It goes perfectly with a demon I hate the color red.

I look at my blurry reflection all I see on my face is red not any other features. I take off the wig and wash off the makeup. I put on my glasses. I look so weird; I have black hair, red eyes, and my pale skin. It's normal but at the same time so unfamiliar.

I walk outside, and I see my 'sister' in a boys uniform her hair combed and wearing contacts. She doesn't look like my twin anymore.

everybody looks at me, thinking I'm a customer

"Why hello there young sir,"

Tamaki says to me

"Tamaki look at his clothes."

Kyoya says to him knowing it was me.

Tamaki looks me up and down and sees that I'm indeed Hirashi,


Hikaru and Karou shout surprised.

I nod feeling nervous I fidget with my hands.

"Why do you look so different," honey asks.

I'm about to answer him, but Tamaki interrupts me by wiping the showing parts of my face with a handkerchief.

"What are you doing," the twins ask Tamaki.

"I'm trying to get this makeup off him" Tamaki answers.

"Uh boss I don't think its make up," Hikaru and Karou say in unison.

I push his hands away.

"Oh wow look at his eye!!!" I don't know what to expect when they notice my eye

"His eye is impressive isn't it?"

Kyoya says I glare at him and to my surprise this does nothing.

"Eye and hair colors don't just change in a second"

Hikaru says suspiciously

"Why would he wear glasses and contacts,"

Kaoru asks

Hirashi, Haruhis Brother {Ouran high School Host Club}Where stories live. Discover now