No Freaking Way

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"...." talking

  '.....' them thinking 

Also, Wally won't know who Robin is for the purpose of this one-shot.


'This is so NOT asterous.' Robin had once again been kidnapped, well Dick Grayson had anyway. Way to make this better? Bruce was off world at the moment, just perfect. Luckily one of the first rules learned as Robin? Never leave without the belt. He contacted the JL and thankfully they got the distress call. Now all he had to do was wait.

He's always hated this part. As Robin he could fight his way out, but as Dick, all he could do is wait to be saved. His kidnappers sat at a table playing a game of poker across the room. His guess, they were waiting for the boss. He sighed, 'hopefully this won't take long.'


"I'M SO BORED," Wally exclaimed loudly. His only response was a smack to the back of the head, courtesy of Artemis. Suddenly the alarms stating they had a mission blared, "careful what you wish for Baywatch." Artemis glared at Wally while getting up from her seat on the couch. The team made there way to the mission room. Standing there was Superman. "Superman? Where's Batman. Actually more importantly, where's Robin?" Wally, now Kid Flash, asked. Superman looked to Wally, "Batman is off world and Robin is running a special errand for Batman."

This answer seemed to satisfy the team as they awaited to know what their mission was. Clearing his throat Superman spoke, there was a hint of worry in his eyes, but the team couldn't understand why. "This is Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne. This afternoon at approximately 3:30 pm he was kidnapped while waiting for his butler Alfred to get him from school. Normally Batman and Robin would deal with this, but as you now know, they can't. Your mission is to save Dick Grayson and return him safely home." Kaldur gave a nod and replied, "we will stop at nothing to return him safely home." Nodding his understanding, Superman gave the team the signal to go.

~On the Ship~

Everyone sat in their respective seats, it was weird that Robin's was empty, "I wonder what the special errand was," Wally voiced his thoughts. Connor shrugged and Kaldur replied, "we may never know, my friend."


Dick's POV

'What in the ever loving world is taking so long?' Dick gave a sigh of discontent, heavy on the dis, and shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, 'this is ridiculous, if I was Robin right now I'd already be out of here.' He was starting to get restless, his arms were starting to ache from being tied behind him, his back was becoming locked and legs were going numb. Suddenly, a huge CLASH  echoed through the building, 'no way they just did that.' "NICE GOING KID IDIOT!" Dick put his head down in exasperation. His team jumped down from the rafters. 

The bad guys jumped from their places and grabbed their weapons. "Don't hit the rich brat," one of them growled. The fight commenced.

The yellow streak of Kid Flash, well, flashed around the room. He was a blur of yellow and red as he ran towards the men with the guns, dodging bullets and jumping over old discarded guns. He lunged at the men and successfully knocked the AK's out of 4 of the henchmen hands. Artemis shot an arrow. It flew across the room and landed in front of the the 4 men. "HA! You missed!" One cried. Artemis gave a small smirk before the arrow exploded trapping the men in a pink frothy foam. They turned to look at how the others were doing with the other henchmen. M'gann had just rendered the last one unconscious as Wally and Artemis turned around. 

(This took so long because I had absolutely no idea how to write the fight scene and even now it didn't turn out that great)

Dick sat in the chair staring at his team, well they don't know that he's part of their team. Kaldur walked over and knelt in front of Dick. "Are you alright?" He asked. Dick just nodded his head yes. With that Superboy walked around and undid the restraints holding is hands. "Man, I wish Rob was here. This was soooo easy and now I'm going to be bored again." Dick just looked over the speedster who spoke. HE thought back to the conversation he had with Batman.



"Oh come on! I know that if I tell them then they'll know who you are, but I trust them and-" Robin was cut off from his rant. "Robin. I said okay, you can tell them. I trust your judgement, and if you think your team is ready to know who we are, then I support your decision," spoke Batman. Robin squinted his eyes, "you're planning on erasing their memories if need be, aren't you?" Batman huffed, "do you want to tell them, or what?" Robin quickly nodded his head and ran from the room before Bruce could change his mind.


'Well, now's as good of a time as ever,' thought Dick. As Wally and Artemis argued, Artemis saying that if Wally didn't find something to do other than annoy her when they got back to the mountain, that she would stick an arrow down his throat. M'gann tried to calm them, reminding them that they were on a mission, Superboy attempted to help his girlfriend. Kaldur just stared at them exasperated. Dick let out his Robin signature cackle. Everyone immediately froze, Dick looked at Wally, "Jeez Kid Idiot, if you keep bothering Arty like this you won't be feeling the aster anymore."

Artemis and Wally's mouth dropped open, Superboy stared wide-eyed, along with Kaldur, and M'gann literally dropped from the sky. The room went eerily silent. ".......Rob?" Wally broke the silence. "What gave me away?" Dick laughed. Suddenly, "We'll laugh about this some damn day alright." This only cause Robin to laugh harder. "Hey, you got to admit, it was pretty clever."


Soon the police arrived and took the unconscious wannabe villains to jail. Kaldur talked to the Chief, "Yes, we will be taking Mr. Grayson-Wayne home." With a nod they went their seperate ways. The team finally made it to the bioship. "Soooooo, Mr. Prince of Gotham-" Wally was cut off by Robins death glare. "I swear West if you finish that sentence I will end you." Wally nodded. "Noted."


Word Count: About 1089

I'm really sorry this took so long, I was just stuck on the fight scene so long and then it didn't even turn out that good. Though I do hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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