Under Attack

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It was a peaceful day. No major crimes going on, no world destruction. The League sat in the watch tower all enjoying the day off.

Computers flashed to life and an ear piercing shriek floated across the Watchtower. Hands shot up to cover the ears of the unsuspecting victims. "What is that," shouted Superman as he hoped to be heard over the head splitting noise.

Suddenly everything went quiet, ringing could be heard in the leaguers ears. The computers came to life once more, heads shot towards it as a cry of pain came from the speakers.

Running, they made a screeching hault in front of the super computer. Robin's face appeared in the screen. Blood dripped along the side of his pale face. A long cut flowed from his shoulder, wrapping around his chest trying to strangle the life out of him. His uniform was in slashes and big nasty blue, purple and black bruises covered his skinny but defined arms. The flickering of fire made a shadow travel along his form.

His voice screamed over the speakers. "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! I REPEAT, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! BATMAN WE CAN'T HOLD THEM OFF! NOTH-" Robins voice cut off as Kid Flash was thrusted into the sky, his unconscious body fell and Robin's cry broke through the barrier of sound, "KID FLASH! NO!" Robin jumped away from the screen as he threw a little pallet from his utility belt.

Foam filled the cave floor and Wally could be seen tumbling from the sky and landing in the pink substance. Aqualad, Artemis, Miss Martian, Superboy and Robin fought with every bit of energy they had, but they were loosing and loosing bad. Not once did the attacker show their face on camera.

Batman ran towards the zeta-tubes, the others following pursuit. Worry was etched on the faces of all the heros present. The zeta beamed them to the cave. Of course though, they were too late. Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Artemis, Aqualad and Superboy all layed eerily still. Their chests could all be seen rising and falling with each breath they took.

Everyone gave a sigh of relief, they were alive but the concern was not all gone. What could have done this and disappeared so fast? They would find out because no one, absolutely no one, hurt their family.


Slowly the teens woke up. Groans of pain echoed around the cave. Grimacing as they quickly sat up, panic evident in their eyes. The panic fled when they realized their mentors were here.

"What happened," asked Batmans gruff voice, it was laced with worry for his son and the other teens, though only Robin noticed.

A glance was shared between the young heros as though asking each other the very question. 'What did happen?' Nobody moved, the teens sat having their quiet discussion, probably mental link, the league sat watching them.

Aqualad spoke, taking up his role as leader. "We...We are not sure ourselves Batman." A deafening silence filled the cave, nobody dared say a thing.

So yeah, not the best but I've had this on my mind for months and I wasnt sure how to write it until I had just put it off completely, but it is officially done now. So please, vote, comment and share! I hope you enjoyed!

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