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This is the photo that inspired this, enjoy!

Thunder shook the sky, lightning flashed, the wind and rain battled in the stormie grey clouds. The team sat silently, everyone except for Wally and Robin.

Their teammates and friends had come to the building not to long ago. They were rushed to the the Med Bay immediately.


Most of the Young Justice team sat at the cave. Kaldur was sparring with Artemis, Megan was trying a new cookie recipe and Connor was playing with Wolf.

'Robin B-01, Kid Flash B-03'

Kaldur and Artemis stopped sparring as the names rang through the cave. "Shall we go to see the others?" Asked Kaldur. Artemis responded, "sure."

Walking to the main room, they found Megan and Connor, but no Robin or Wally. "I swear if those two are planning some type of prank I'm gunna kill 'em," Artemis hissed.

The four made their way to the zeta-tubes. Though they froze in their tracks at the sight. Kid Flash was unconscious barely being held up by a half-conscious Robin.

They looked horrible. Clothes were ripped and tattered, blood seeped through the clothes. Gashes covered their bodies. Though one stood out the most. Carved on the sides of their bodies was a signature. In clean cursive was the name Joker.

One word rang through the air and sent pure terror shooting down their backs, all through their chest and down to their feet. Robin whispered one word that made them break into a frantic run to their friends. That one word was something so simple, yet so powerful. "Help." Before he collapsed to the floor.

They all had tears running down their faces as they shouted for help. Screamed at the top of their lungs for someone to come. Sobbing cut through the air like a knife. They were lucky enough to have some of the league at the cave today, to observe their training.

Batman, Flash, Canary, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman ran through the door. They were met with four sobbing teens and two teens passed out on the floor.

Batman and Flash ran over so fast you'd thought the world was ending, but to them it might be. Wally and Robin were taken to the Med Bay. While Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman tended to the two teens, who acted like children, that they had come to love, the others were questioning the rest of the team.

~~~Flashback Over~~~

Batman and Flash wanted to be with their family, their worlds and their lives, the two teens who were in the Med Bay fighting to stay with the living. Instead they sat there as Kaldur recalled what had happened.

After everything was said and done, the 7 heros had only one thing on their mind. Make Joker pay. So the days went on, the team never once leaving the figures resting on the beds.

After so many days, there was coughing and deep breaths of air being sucked in. As the JL and YJ heros in the room shot from their seats and ran to surround Wally and Robin.

As they opened their eyes, relief flooded the room and tears of joy were shed. They had been unconscious for 3 days, any longer they might never have woken again. Joker had payed big time and was once again rotting in Arkham Asylum, only this time in a full body cast. Nobody messes with their family.

Honestly, I have no idea where this came from. I has just seen a picture of Robin doing a flip in the rain and all of a sudden, BOOM here this came. So I have no clue if this is good or not, but hopefully you either enjoyed the feels messing story or just laughed at my horrible writing skills. But please either way Vote, Comment and Share!

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