Chapter 29

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  I sat on the bed and read it over and over. I didn't sign my whole name, but it was my handwriting. I felt utterly sick to my stomach. It just didn't make sense. I don't know how long I stared at it. I went back to his drawers and searched them all looking for more, but I found nothing.

I went into his study and searched through his desk. I opened the top drawer and shuffled through the papers. In the back was a square box. I knew right away I had seen that box before. I ran my shaking fingers along the soft brown velvet. I was afraid to open it. I knew what was inside that box, but I didn't know how I knew. I lifted the box out of the drawer and slowly lifted the lid. I snapped it shut and dropped it back into the drawer. There was no way this was happening. Nothing was making any sense. Why did Sorin have the amber necklace that had flashed through my mind? Coincidence. It could only be coincidence right?

  I continued to search through the apartment. I realized that what I wanted was to find nothing. We can't always get what we want. Between the letter and the necklace I felt like I was losing my mind. Something big was going on and I hadn't the slightest clue how any of it was possible.

  I racked my brain for a reason to not panic. I sat on the couch fighting back tears. I knew everything was too good to be true.  I knew he was too perfect. I knew that if I ignored all the signs, I could pretend everything was fine. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes, pinching between my eyes trying to fight my oncoming headache. I didn't know what to do. 

 Should I go looking for him demanding answers?

 Should I wait for him to come home and confront him?

 Should I just ignore it and continue on with things?

I opened my eyes and there on the very top shelf on the wall was a wooden box. That would be a perfect place to hide something. I don't know how I knew it, but I knew for sure the answers to my questions were in that box. 

  But how was I going to get up there?

  He didn't have a ladder, and it was too high to stand on a chair.   I could find Modo and maybe she could morph into something to get it down for me. That wouldn't work. I didn't want to explain to anyone what was going on. Especially since I didn't know myself. I could try to knock it down, but how do I explain myself if there's nothing in it and I break it. It would probably end up being a priceless artifact with my luck.

  I was so torn. I trusted Sorin, but now I was afraid it was blind trust. How could he not trust me enough to show me this, whatever it is?

  I went and sat in Emily's room and told her everything. It helped me to talk it out in the open, even though obviously, it was a one sided conversation.

  I decided I would wait for Sorin to come home and ask him about it. The worst part was that I had no idea when he would be home. 

  I spent the better part of the day mulling over what to say. I didn't know if I even had any reason to be angry, or if I had every reason to be angry. He had told me there was a lot I didn't know, and that he would one day tell me. I never expected it to be anything like that. Whatever that was, I wasn't sure. I thought it would be something about things he had done in his past, or secret royalty crap that he wasn't supposed to tell me. 

  My head was throbbing and I couldn't stand it anymore. I decided I would go to see Lera and get her to take my headache away.

  Just my luck, Lera was out, and wouldn't be back until the next day. 

  I went outside to get some fresh air and literally bumped into Ronin. I had been walking with my head down, rubbing my temples.

  "I'm so sorry!" I looked up and my face went red when I saw him.

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