Chapter 3: Everything Is Not What It Seems (Or Maybe it Is?)

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issa christmas miracle! i have no chapters after this prewritten! i have not slept! please comment!

"M'home!" Awsten called as he paced into his house, slamming the door behind him and slinging his backpack off of his shoulder, placing it on the ground as he rushed to the kitchen to get some sort of after school snack.

Once he entered the room, he was greeted by his sister, Gracie, sitting on one of the barstools and waving at their mom, on the other side of the countertop.

"Hi, sweetie," His mom smiled at Awsten as he rounded the corner, sneaking between the two women so he could get access to the fridge. Awsten just smiled in response.

Awsten felt his mom's eye roll engrave itself into his back.

"Thanks for asking how my day was, stupidhead." She said, flicking Awsten on the skull to which he grunted as she grabbed her purse off of the counter and turned to Gracie. "I'll be right back. I've got to go to the store to return a few things, but I'll only be a little bit."

"What kind of things?" Awsten teased, ignoring the flick to his skull as he grabbed a block of cheese out of the fridge and threw it onto the countertop.

Their mom just rolled her eyes once again and picked up her car keys. "Don't burn down the house. Gracie's in charge. Love you." She said quickly as she walked out of the house through the door that connected to the garage.

"Wait, wh-" Awsten attempted to yell but was interrupted by the door slamming. He grabbed a kitchen knife from one of their drawers. "That is so unfair. You're two years younger than me."

"But I'm more responsible, and mom trusts me more." Gracie replied with a cheeky smile, crossing her arms as her white-toned hair flipped over her shoulder.

Awsten scoffed as he cut into the block of cheese. "As if."

"Well, mom didn't find a bubbler and five grams of pot in my room, so..."

"It was one time!" Awsten exclaimed, letting go of the knife and throwing his hands in the air. Gracie just laughed before he returned back to making his food, whatever he was planning on making. He wasn't even sure at this point.

It was awkward silence for awhile as Awsten continued to cut into the cheese stressfully, eating a few pieces on the way. That is, until his sister opened her mouth again. "Are you just eating a fucking block of cheese for a snack?"

The blue haired boy groaned loudly and dramatically, looking back at his sister, roughly five feet away and still sitting at the island, now with a toothy smirk. He pulled out the large knife and pointed it in her direction, only somewhat jokingly. "What the hell do you want? Can't I eat unhealthily in peace, alone?"

Gracie grinned, looking down at her phone for a second before glancing back up. She was unphased by the knife. After all, those sort of suggested threats were common between the two siblings. "Nope. You're dealing with me forever. Where were you today?"

Awsten lowered the knife and groaned, turning away again. He was going to look back at her when he spoke, but decided against it because he had a knife in hand that was cutting a substance right beside his flesh. "School."

"Awsten, we go to the same school and you barely show up to your regular classes anyways. I know you don't have detention, so spill." Gracie responded, twisting a finger through her own silver hair.

Awsten sighed, putting down the knife completely and turned around so his back was leaning against the counter. "Fine, you fucking snoopy sophomore. I had to join a club this year, last minute or I won't graduate. I have to show up literally every Friday, or it doesn't count and I'll be held back 'cause of that and like, two of my classes. I'm not interested in being a super senior like Discanio, okay?"

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