Chapter 2: Invalidation Is The New Communication

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January 5th, 2018.

As Awsten walked into the classroom, he wasn't sure what he was expecting exactly, but it wasn't this.

It was a completely normal classroom, covered in various algebra posters. No giant "GSA" letters in lights, or extra... Gay merchandise. Just a classroom. Meant for what looked like wsome sort of math class.

He'd shown up on time surprisingly, if not a little bit early since his last class was just down the hall and his sixth period teacher was rather fond of him, somehow, and let him leave a minute or two early. Roughly eight people were already here, and he recognized very few; both an advantage and a disadvantage to attending a large public school.

"Oh! Guys! New member is here!" A guy(?) with mid-length brown hair and a flannel on said as he noticed Awsten walking into the classroom. "I'm Alexa, I'm the sort of vice-leader." He introduced himself, before gesturing towards the rest of the group, "You'll learn the rest of their names when we start. We have another two minutes, so welcome to the club, new person."

Awsten smiled, slightly awkwardly as he adjusted his backpack that was half-on, half-off. His longboard was in one arm, the other leaning against the wall like the rest of his body. "Cool. So, can I just leave my stuff here or...."

Alexa smiled neutrally for a moment before realizing what he had just said, widening his eyes. "Oh! Yeah, you can just... Leave it in the corner, right next to where you're standing."

"Thanks." Awsten nodded back as he stood at the doorframe awkwardly for the next few minutes as the pre-existing group continued to chat without him. It sort of felt like hours if he was honest, and he felt rather left out: He knew that in this club, everyone belonged to the same group. They had something huge in common with eachother and he was... is... just here.

"Okay, okay, guys. Listen up. We're gonna have to start check-in without a couple of the members. They'll be here in like, ten minutes, but because of the play they're gonna run a bit late." Alexa, the previous person Awsten had talked to said. "So, get in a circle, I'm leading for the time being."

The rest of the group complied, and holy shit, Awsten didn't realize how many people there actually were. There were like ten other people here, and a few were missing, including their apparent leader.

Awsten couldn't help but think of aliens, but he was genuinely wondering who the leader of the club was.

Awsten reluctantly pulled up a chair into the circle, sitting next to the only person he'd talked to in the room so far. He seemed cool enough.

"Alright, so, since you're new, Awsten I'll explain how check in works. Basically, we introduce ourselves with our pronouns and a high we've had for the week and a low we've had for the week." Alexa said, waving his hands everywhere when he spoke. "This time, we'll be adding our name, grade and our gender and sexuality, though. Just to introduce ourselves to you I guess."

Awsten looked back at the kid with confusion, eyes widened as he leant back in his seat.

"Okay," He sighed. "I'll go first. Feel free to ask questions. My name is Alexa. I'm a senior, and I'm a transgirl and I'm pansexual-"

"What's that?" Awsten interrupted. "Wait, sorry, keep going."

Alexa smiled. "It's okay, it's okay. It means I'm attracted to all genders, and that genitals don't really matter to me. My pronouns are she/her..."

Oh shit. Alexa was a she. She. She. She.

God, that was going to be hard. Awsten sort of felt like a douche, but Alexa looked... Like a dude. He- she, he corrected himself, was dressed extremely masculine and didn't look like they'd even shaved in over a week. A simple blue flannel thrown on over a black t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

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