Chapter 7

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Love is not something you go out and look for, love finds you and when it does, it'll be the best thing that has ever happened to you.

//Chapter Seven\\

Noel's POV

"So, do you have a date for homecoming?"

"Yea, Luke asked me out already," Liv says grinning from ear to ear.

Yep, I finally found out his name was Luke and not Duke. It was really embarrassing coz I was busy calling him Duke and he wouldn't answer. I thought he was deaf.

"How do you guys communicate with Duke," I had asked Nadine during lunch the day before yesterday.

"Who's Duke?" She asked me talking so slow like we were some kind of spies.

"The guy with the brown eyes, sitting and talking to Liv," I whispered back pointing subtly at him.

"Oh that's not Duke, its Luke. I don't know any Duke except Channing Tatum in She's the man." Nadine whispered back.

"Oh," I say loudly, everybody in the table turns to look at me and I decide to test him. "Luke?"

He raised his brows, "yes?"

"Hmm you're not deaf." I say quite surprised.

"Yes, fortunately." He was looking at me like am some weirdo. I bend my head down focusing on my apple.

Back to present day...

Liv and Luke were a thing. They were always together and had most classes together. They kiss a lot, giggle and talk alot to themselves like love struck teenagers--- well they are lovestruck and they are teenagers so I guess their reaction is just right.

" No body asked me yet," Peyton grumbled.

"Me too, but I have this strong feeling that Pete is going to ask me out." Nadine says smiling brightly.

"Pete from History class?" Peyton asked her eyes widening. Nadine nods, "he's a jock, how does he even know you?"

"We're seat mates and last year we patterned up for a project. We talk alot and yesterday he asked if I had a date to homecoming and I said no."

"So...he didn't ask you then? Why what did he do next." Peyton asked. Peyton's appearance looks like a shy, withdrawn, nerdy nerd. But when you hang out with her you'll find out that she's feisty. Intelligent-- yes. And she can stand up for herself.

"He didn't do anything. He just nodded and continued our work in silence."

"Dummy. That doesn't guarantee that he would ask you out."

"It does."

"It doesn't."

"Its does."

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