Chapter 4

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Its not lack of love but lack of friendship that make unhappy marriages.

//Chapter Four\\

Noel's POV

I just hit somebody with a mopping stick on the head, I could tell it was a boy because I saw the flash of abs before he fell down. My heart was hammering in fear and I've started to sweat like fish out of water.

Is he dead? Why won't he get up? Maybe I opened his skull. Oh my, we don't money to pay for hospital bills.

"What the hell?" A dark haired shirtless boy says as he comes into the room, he wore plaid shorts and he was holding two packs of beer. "Aaron?"

His eyes travel up and land on me, by this time my teeth are chattering and I place my finger in between them before I bite off my tongue. He raised his brows I'm confusion expecting an explanation from me. "Christmas?"

"The music was too loud...I was...on the window... He...out of nowhere... Then he..." I couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"Come over here, I can't hear a thing you're saying," he says as he drops his beer and reduce the volume of the music.

"I...come over there?" I ask, he squats down and disappears from my line of sight, only the top of his dark hair is visible. I think he is checking the state of my victim.

"Yea, you don't expect only me to handle the body right?" He says freely resurfacing.

"Handle the body? Oh no he is dead, " I say a tear leaking down as I stand up trying to steady myself. The distance between the two windows isn't much, I use the mop as bridge and I dearly cross over, entering our neighbors house with shaky legs.

I see the boy lying on the floor completely still and probably lifeless. His striking face and features makes me recognize him as Aaron-lee from my chemistry class, a sob threatens to break out of my as I knee beside him, clutching his bare arm that was still warm. How could I? How could I have killed his really handsome boy with a promising future. I gasp, "I'm a murderer." My first kill at the ripe age of 17, I can't believe it, I'll go to prison and my mum would be worried sick.

The dark haired boy crouched down beside me with a glum face, maybe they were brothers. I lean my head on his shoulder in sadness, as he was patting my shoulder the body moves. I instantly jerk up alert, the body moves again as if struggling to come back to life. "He moved!" I say excitedly, I've never been excited like this, in my whole life.

The dark haired boy jumps up the ground obviously excited too. He starts pacing around, "I've seen this in a movie before, he need...needs....resuscitation!" He snaps his fingers together as he gets the word.

I nod and place my hand on his bare chest, I start pressing and applying pressure like I've seen the ambulance people do. Nothing happens.

"No, not that. Mouth to mouth," he said.

"Ok, come on." I say moving away to give him the space to come do it.

"No I can't do it, Aaron-lee's allergic to garlic, I just ate garlic it might choke him up." He said.

I released a breath, " I get to do it?" He nods. I nod too moving back in position. Noel you can do it, you got Aaron-lee into this, you have to get him out.

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