Chapter 5

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Love is like a war; easy to begin but very hard to end.

//Chapter Five\\

Noel's POV

Dumb face leave me alone. I'm trying to concentrate here.

I squeeze up the paper and throw it at Aaron-lee when Ms Jenkins back was turned. He has refused to let me be, I had up to five papers under my foot that he threw it me. I wonder what his problem is. Although I'm not concentrating on what Ms Jenkins is saying, I still don't like paper balls being thrown at me by an annoying person.

In less than a minute another paper hits me, I sigh and pick it up. I could just ignore it and leave it on the floor but he'll keep throwing more and a little tiny part of me was curious to see what he has written this time.

Dumb face? Is that a code word for 'attractive, handsome, gods- worthy, drool and swoon worthy face'?. I know it is, get more creative Noel, I can see past your code.

I scoff, this is unbelievable. I quickly tear out a paper from the back of my jotter and scribbled quickly.

'Attractive, handsome, gods- worthy, drool and swoon worthy face?' Yea, keep telling yourself that until you believe it. It's not your fault you're shy of an ape.

I smirk and I throw the paper at him. He really is something else. Yes, he is attractive but that's for us to see and judge not for him to  build his ego around. Another paper hits me and I pick it up.

Ape? That's not what your heart was saying when you were about to kiss me yesterday.

My jaw drop down, seriously? I furiously tear off another paper.

Kiss you? I think you really injured you head when I hit you. You're confused. And you read hearts?

I throw it at him without checking on Ms Jenkins and I see the smirk on his face his blue eyes practically sparkling. Noel you're falling into his trap, this is exactly what he wants for you people to be exchanging paper balls when class is going on. Another paper hits me and I reluctantly bend to pick it up but before I do, another hand beats me to it.

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