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-Andy's POV-

I woke up to a bumping bus. We were back on the road for the rest of our tour. Our first stop is New York so we had to leave three days in advanced. Great. I slowly got out of my bunk and walked towards the kitchen to get coffee. Nobody was up when I walked into the kitchen but when I turned around Raven was walking into the kitchen with her head down. Damn, I messed up. I tried to talk to her but all I got was a mumbled response covered by her fringe and a soft sniffle after. She got her coffee and went to the back room where her guitars and clothes were. She came out with a neatly folded pile of clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.  

Thirty minutes later she walked out with an Asking Alexandria tank top, pyjama shorts, her black and blue hair in a messy bun, slippers on, and no makeup on. Damn, she was beautiful I can't believe that I did that to her. I'm horrible. nobody was up still. So it was just the two of us in the living area. She stalked towards the seat that was next to the couch I was sitting on. She pulled out her phone and plopped down into the cushion on the chair. she sat with her back resting on one of the arms of the chair and her legs dangling off of the other arm. She looked like she was getting carried. I wanted to go over by her so bad and wrap my arms around her and kiss her. She put in her earbuds and put her phone on shuffle. The first song that came up was Whore by Get Scared.

That was her favourite song by them but she skipped it. She went down her playlist and went to another album by them. She clicked on Keep Myself Alive by Get Scared. twenty minutes passed and now she was listening to one of our songs. I could hear it from her headphones. I got up and looked at her phone, she was on Youtube watching one of our performances. The first time I kissed her. She was watching the duet we did. I could hear fain little sniffles, then she closed out of it and put on a song by Attila- Middle Fingers Up. She got up and flipped the invisible crowd off and danced around to the music, not caring that I was watching her. She was truly beautiful.

 She was truly beautiful

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-Raven's POV-

I got up and started dancing. I didn't care that Andy was in the room, I just wanted to dance. Ashley walked out of the bunk area still half asleep so I decided to jump on him. He caught me like a bride and laughed as I pulled out my earbuds. He squeezed me and returned me to the floor. I laughed and followed him to the kitchen.

"You're happy, how come? Did Andy 'Apologize'?" Ash said sarcastically. I smacked him and rolled my eyes

"You ass, no I finished the lyrics!" I said with a dorky smile plastered across my face

"That's awesome Rave!" Ash said as he picked me up and twirled me around. Damn the BVB boys. I was now falling for Andy, Cc, and of all people Ash. I'm not the type of person who would cheat on anyone and I'm not a fucking whore before you think of anything. I looked down and was probably blushing like crazy. 

"So when am I going to hear it? AND do you have the guitar part figured out?" Ash asked while directing his attention to his coffee. 

"It's actually an acoustic cover. So I just need the percussion." I smiled as he looked back at me

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