Second Thoughts

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I almost burnt the dinner thinking of my horrible past, I wish I didn't have to perform the surgery. I feel so nervous cuz I know that Siddiq was talking to Dad right now and I kept telling mysekf not to be inclined to wards any outcome of their discussion but i just couldn't. I willed myself not to hope for anything and just be happy with dad's decision.
At dinner dad announced his acceptance on the condition that we live apart until I complete my University Education (Oh thats in 5 years time) it's all good until I said what was on my mind
"I also have a condition...... "
" Whatever it is, consider it done. "
" I'd like to have a co-wife........ Let me finish" Siddiq's face was flushed and red already
"You need to know that I can't have kids and so I am basically useless but I have come to accept that and I hope its easy for me to live with it but I don't want you to suffer for my mistake, you deserve a wife that'd give you kids and I'm not her. If u feel that you must marry me then I can't forgive myself if I deprive you of the most beautiful creations of Allah (swt)

...... Are you having second thoughts?

Am very sorry for the late update. I lost my drive but Alhamdullilah yesterday I got inspired back 🔙
I also had exams to write and school stuff. I'd try to update frequently InshaAllah

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