Memory Lane

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Normally memories are in italics but this whole chapter is a memory so i thought i should save myself the stress. I hope you enjoy it, there goes:

"Ma'am, I hope you know that when this surgery has been performed it cannot be reversed and I hope the nurse has briefed you about the side effects and consequences." The doctor asked for the upteenth time, he seemed pained or worried and i resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, I had to behave mature so i responded "Yes, I believe so" The next few hours were hazy I couldn't remember a thing, but I knew that mom complained bitterly about not being let into the doctors office with me. I did that at intentionally of course, I couldn't let my mom know that I was having a radical hysterectomy done, she would go hysterical, all they know is that i'm having the cancerous cells removed, I couldn't let them know the consequences. I wanted to do it alone. I was strong enough to handle it, I wasn't ever gonna get married anyways, I need not worry, i'll be fine. After the surgery, I felt normal, it was like nothing was removed from me and mom and dad would never find out. All that mattered was that I was cured of those dangerous cells.

Coming out of the memory lane, Now that I think of it I was so stupid. So childish and i regret my decisions with all of my heart, now i deserve nobody, I try to never think of it and live life to the fullest and try to be as happy as I can but sometimes it just gets shoved on my face and I feel like crap

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