Chapter 1

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I woke up at 3:30 to drink some water, tip toeing to the kitchen to avoid waking anyone up and I was met with the back of a stranger doing the dishes in my kitchen ( I use it most although it's mom's cuz I do all the cooking). Brother Zakariyyah had gone back yesterday, we had no visitors so who is this? The sound of clinking plates brought me back to the present as realization suddenly hit me, I wasn't wearing my hijaab and that if he were to turn back, he will see me, wild thoughts ran through my mind. Robbers don't just wash dishes for you and even visitors don't wash dishes, hell no, guys generally don't do chores in my culture, I had never  met a guy who does chores so this one was a first and even if he were to be a resident of this house, wait, what if he's a jinn? But who does dishes at 3:30 by the way? I recited my dua for protection then I slipped into my jilbab and hijaab and started reciting ayatul qursiyy while walking towards the jinn'. I cautiously walked towards him and cleared my throat I was performing rukyah in a low tone to avoid waking anyone, ayatul kursiyy, muawizhatayn and even adhaan and he didn't seem affected at all then he smiled and said salaam. As those words of peace rolled off his lips, my whole countenence changed. I let my guard down and returned the greeting then I turned back feeling so stupid for making such assumptions and I reached for the sachet water I planned to use as my sahoor . "I'm Siddiq, and you are?"  "Of course i was going to squeal and scream in school among my friends when I gist them about it, but no where in hell was I gonna let him have a hint of how his voice made me calm and warm, just then, I realized that he had been waiting for an answer" It's late, I should go to back to bed. Asalamu alaik" I heard his mumbled reply before I dashed back to my room almost sliping on my jilbab.
Who was I kidding? I couldn't sleep a wink that morning before fajr so i ended up performing qiyaamul layl. After fajr, I was preparing breakfast in a hurry so as not to miss my ride to school aka my neighbours mom aka our principal, with the holy soothing Quran playing in Mahir Al-Moaqali's voice taking over all sounds in the kitchen, soothing my crooked mind and mending my broken soul. I know that when I say breakfast ull be thinking along the line of bacon and eggs or fries but it was a simple dish of boiled rice and vegetable soup, nothing fancy, yes that's the kind of home I come from. Unfortunately for me, I have 14 brothers and being the only girl, it was overly tiring but I'm kinda used to the hard work. Nobody ever helps me do anything ever. I have to cook for the 6 available ones including two older and four younger, and then wash the dishes before packing lunch for the younger ones and heading for school. Talk about school........ "Salam alaiki I didn't get your name yesterday though" The cosy and warm voice was back, I turned to see Mr. Cosy Voice doing the dishes, what's with this guy and dishes by the way? "Waalaikas salam. It was this morning"
"Sorry what? " Ugh why is he so polite?
" I mean it wasn't yesterday, it was earlier today" He didn't say anything afterwards and guilt syarted gawning my sides. I was already packing the lunches and since he was already taking care of the dishes, that was my last job. I muttered a pheww as i zipped up my brothers' lunch packs then I loked at him over my shoulders, I didn't have a good view by the way,  just the legs cuz he was sort of tall and said " It's Siddiqa" before practically running off but not before i caught the astonished expression on his face as he burst into a grim smile. Just as i was about to leave, mom calls out to me "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that Siddiq was coming over for a week or two he's your Aunt Zulpha's son. I hated aunt Zulpha,  just kidding, she's my favourite aunt. Have you guys met?".
"You are too late aunt"he said, giving her a wide grin, there goes the warm smile and cosy voice that liven the........ Puuuuuunnnnn. Oh I think that's my call to head out. "Ma'asalam mom"
"May Allah protect you". This was our costum, it wasn't out of any love or sentiment, it was just routine.
"Wait, let Siddiq drive you to school instead of you running like a Chipmunk just to get a free ride"

SALAM WONDERFUL READERS. What do you guys think? I was thinking of naming them the truth couple. Is the truth gonna liberate them or destroy them. Who knows?
Much love from
My Instagram account is still the same name

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