Affection-Jims x Reader

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Living with all of Markiplier's egos was tiring and you almost never had a relaxing moment. While you never have a day off it was still worth it to hang out with your new friends. The egos all adored you and made sure you were well cared for. However, sometimes they got into fights, mostly over your affection.

It was a normal, well as normal as it gets, in the iplier mansion. You were sitting, laying back on the couch in the living room watching TV.

"Hey (y/n), what are you doing?" Looking up you noticed that one of the Jims had entered the room without you noticing. They were one of the lesser known egos, but since the fans started talking about them more Dark realized they were just as real as the others.

"Hey, whats up?" The Jim that had walked in was weatherman Jim. 

'Weird, usually they hang out together all the time.'

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to give these to you." Before you could ask what it was, he pulled a bouquet of roses from behind his back. You were kind of surprised after all the last thing you expected was Jim to come walking in and give you a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, Thank you! You didn't have to get these for me." You hopped off of the couch and walked over to him, accepting the roses.

"Oh, it's no problem. I just wanted to get a pretty gift for a pretty girl." You hoped that he didn't notice the way your cheeks blushed after that sentence.

"Well thank you!" Without hesitation, you engulfed him in a hug. You could tell he was a bit surprised at first but he soon accepted it and hugged back. Inside though Jim was so happy. He had finally had the guts to walk up and give you flowers. While the two of you were hugging you both failed to notice the other ego watching from the doorway fuming with jealousy. Newscaster Jim loved his brother, but he also loved you. If his brother wanted to fight for your affection, then so be it.

The next day you were in the kitchen. Currently cleaning up a mess that some of the other egos made, it was like you were more their maid than their friend sometimes. You were almost finished cleaning when you heard someone clear their throat. You turned around to come face to face with Newscaster Jim.

"Hey Jim, what's up?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to give you these." He pulled out an even bigger bouquet than his brother had and a huge fluffy pink teddy bear.

'Weird how I didn't notice the huge bear at first.'

"Oh, thank you! You didn't really have to get these for me." You took the gifts from his hands and calmly placed them on the table you had just cleaned. You were kind of confused, I mean first one Jim comes up to you and gives you flowers and now the other Jim gives you flowers AND a giant teddy bear.

"Oh, it's not a problem. I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

"Aw, thanks!" You moved toward him with open arms to give him a hug just like you did with his brother. He happily returned the hug as if he was waiting for it. Weatherman Jim was watching from the kitchen doorway, just glaring daggers into his brothers head. It wasn't fair he thought, he wanted to your attention and now his brother had it. He decided to find an even bigger bear than the one his brother got and give it to you.

After that incident, the Jims both kept giving you more and more gifts. It pretty much happened day after day. Your desk was littered with flowers, stuff animals, jewelry, and some more gifts. You had to stop this, whatever what was going on.

The next day you walked downstairs to the living room to watch TV. When you walked in the room however you noticed the Jims were fighting and yelling at each other.

"Hey, what's going on between you two?"

They both turned toward you and without hesitation.

"Tell N.Jim here that I had your affection first!"

"Well, tell W.Jim here that I bought you two gifts first so I deserve to have your affection!"

Okay, you were confused now. Is that what was going on? They were fighting for your affections? Did that mean that they loved you? How cute.

"Wait, you both were fighting for my affections because you love me?" At that question, they both blushed bright red and looked down.

"Y-Yes we were."

"Yeah, we were."

"Aww, I love you guys too, but you don't need to buy me gifts for my affection. You can just ask and we can hang out with each other."

They both whipped their heads up to look at you with wide eyes.

"Wait, really?"


"Yeah, of course." You moved forward, grabbed them both and pulled them in for a hug. They both hugged you back.

"Just promise me one thing?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Promise me you won't buy me any more gifts because I don't have any more room for things."

Markiplier Egos x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now