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I am a difficult person to deal with.

I have mood swings

that are more sudden than

a lightning.

After a fresh, severe

set of harsh bars,

there comes the storms

and nightmares.

I don't usually say goodbye,

I just let the clock tick and time fly.

I am the most colorful dye,

with the shadest and darkest

shade of gray.

I am sometimes made of clay,

or glass, or rocks,

whatever I'm in the mood to be.

I can be easily grazed

by sharp words,

can be easily broken

by a downfall,

but if I come back and rebuild,

re-phase and recreate

for something like you,

I am tamed.

I can be vulnerable,


bubbly and impregnable,

but if I feel invisible,

I do hide.

I don't bite, but I do write.

I act recklessly,

I'm dumb, foolish and

innocent, I might get

your points a little slow

and I might be too shallow

but if you'd seen the worst show,

the darkest shadow,

you're lucky to finally


So breathe, bitches.

You're in for a good day with the devil.

I don't like leeches.

Don't stick with them.

I get mad easily.

But with just a sorry,

I'm able of forgiving.

Did I tell you already

how thankful I am with your presence?

Well if not, I am.

Our friendship is the best I have ever had.

Like a dance in the middle of the rain,

a Lovatic song in the middle of Tay and Ari,

an awkward dance step in an mv of Koreans,

a set of hair-nest in disarray,

filthy midfings,

corns, peas, and bacons,

It felt lethal without you all around.

I am a difficult person to be with.

An evil witch, a damsel in distress,

a princess in a fairytale, and awkward ogre,

an abominable snowman,

but do you know what it is my favorite?

A vulnerable, impregnable, ambitchous bitch---

your friend.

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