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I've seen a cute person.
His smile is the brightest.
He has small lips,
and a small face.
His smile extends
up to his blank eyes.
His haircut fits him well,
and his body, too.
Anybody could not describe him better;
anybody could not get any cuter.

I've known my obssession about
cute things--persons--over a month ago,
didn't know it wouldn't go
the way I know.
My mind was hardly dusted off snow,
couldn't barely think of so many show.

And it got deeper,
higher and higher, painstakingly, enduringly,
I reached the peak, the summit.
And it somehow called my attention
to stay.
Stay where I was,
Stay who I was,
Stay... just stay.

And it wasn't that hard to do.
I've had a struggle or two,
but no one had to know it was you.

I just wanted to say
that I stay.

Isn't that cute?

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