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I was interested by your name
when it just popped out of my screen.
Many faces appeared on my mind,
not knowing the real one behind.

You have an unusual name.
One that doesn't come from home.
Your smiles are breath-taking,
gentle, yet disastrous,
just look at me, writing poetry
that's never meant for you.

I just wanted to say hi.
I know, you don't know me,
but I'm rest-assured, you can see.

We met eyes so many times.
Your smiling eyes are alway taking me
to somewhere beyond the lines.
You carry me on rainbow-unicorn dreams,
not knowing I'm sleeping inside the
white-and-black shadows of nightmares.

You gave me a little inspiration,
a petty crush; some poetry rush,
crumbling down my paper,
crawling behind my keyboard.
But I have another day tomorrow.
I have to sleep down and forget for a little while,
about my sorrow.

Once Cupid hit me with his arrow
with your name on it,
tell me to step away.
You don't have a place to stay.
This poetry isn't meant for you anyway.

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