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My heart's not made
of   steel,    and   the
heartbreak     felt  so
real; made me weak,
surrender to the ache
fall over my knees, &
hide behind cheers.

This feeling is new to
me;  should've  made
my        heart    steel--
unbreakable; impreg-
nable; not this feeble
thin; unprotected and

Right from the start, I
knew, that you'll never
look for someone new
and I know that I will
never qualify, too, but
still, hoped and prayed,
inside pained, that you'll
soon be mine, and I to
yours. You'll own my
words and my poetry
be yours; pages of green
call whisper your name
and your name forever
on my screen, but at the
end, it's all just an intui-
tion; some dreamy des-
tination; painful commo-
tion; destructive imagi-

Yes, it made me weak,
wasn't just familiar of


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