-8- Scary Encounters

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Dannys gut filled with dread, something bad was going to happen, he just knew it.

Dick didnt expect Danny to respond to his question so he popped up from his chair and went into the kitchen. Danny watched with unease, now that Bruce was gone, would Dick do something mean? Dick came back with a bowl and spoon in hand, he set them down and grabbed the milk and cereal from across the table.

"Just because you don't want breakfast doesn't mean I don't want breakfast." Dick said as if sensing Danny's confusion. "You can explore a bit while I'm eating, just don't go too far away." Dick said with a mouth full of fruit loops.

Danny looked around his surroundings apprehensively, not really sure where to begin or if the house would store any unwanted surprises. Danny hopped down from his chair and shuffled around the long table to the archway he'd seen everyone go through. He saw nicely tiled floors and clean countertops, a black box was imbedded into the wall and the small halfa looked up curiously.

Green numbers stared back, Dannys eyes widened.

The white haired boy sped-limped back to Dick and started tugging on his shirt, trying to get the older boys attention. Dick looked down at the scared halfa as Danny pointed to a black box in the kitchen with numbers on it, fear evident in his face pale face.

"It's ok Danny, it's just a clock." Danny looked at it again with apprehension as Dick turned back to his cereal. Danny's panic grew as the number changed again, he tugged urgently on Dick's shirt. Dick looked down with worry this time, he wasn't really bothered by the boy's sudden tugging, he just didn't know what the boy was trying to tell him.

"B-boom." Danny said, pointing to the clock and making his fingers spread out to mimic that of an explosion. Danny thought the microwave was a bomb.

"No Danny, that's a microwave, not a bomb." Dick laughed lightly, the innocence of the child was adorable.

Yet the thought was so dark.

Dick didn't want to know what made Danny feel like anything with numbers on it was a bomb. The little halfa gave a weird look at Dick's chest and somehow deduced that he was telling the truth, as if he could see if he was lying or not.

Finished with his cereal and casting his weird thoughts to the side, Dick deposited his bowl in the sink and put the cereal and milk away. He walked past Danny and to the large stairs, he waited at the bottom until Danny limped up to him.

"I'm going to get dressed for the day, you can stay down here. Remember don't wander too far into the mansion, I don't want to have to hunt you down." Dick said with a smile, he meant it to be playful but the way the white haired boys gaze wavered and his eyes flashed panic made him reconsider his wording. "I mean, you don't want to get lost, it's a big house. If you feel scared sit on the couch in the living room, it super comfy. Or where ever you feel safest, I'll only be gone for a few minutes."

After seeing the boy slightly relax, Dick ran up the stairs, leaving Danny to the empty, hollow, eerie, mansion. Danny shuddered.

A phantom wind blew at Danny's hair, he turned slowly to look at the table in the kitchen, sitting there so plainly. His vision shook until the table was no longer mahogany, but white, the chairs escalated into people, the Guys In White. They smiled with large sharp teeth, waiting with knives in their hands to dissect their favorite toy.

Danny's heart beat wildly and loudly in his chest. His body became clammy and all the blood drained from his face. Memories filled his brain, he squeezed his eyes shut to block them out but when he looked back to the table they were still there. Danny backed up to the wall, it was beginning to be hard to breathe. A soft blue glow pulled at his vision.

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