-5- Trust?

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Bruce felt the increase in pressure and he himself got teary eyed. He had never been more afraid than he was when Danny was in that net looking so helpless. Relief flooded him when Danny had forgiven him for breaking his promise.

The two parted and Danny swiped his nose with his good arm, leaving a blood stained trail on his sleeve. The halfa returned to a respectable distance with his eyes lowered, but one he saw the unconscious form of the agents in white he sidestepped nearer to Bruce.

"How about we get you some new clothes, and a proper room where you will be even safer." Bruce said with a smile.

Danny just nodded along and sniffed again, his wide, toxic green, eyes locked onto the agents prone from like he could still hurt him. The halfas legs shook and he wobbled when he walked so he reached up tentatively and grabbed onto Bruce's sleeve as they set off to the elevator.

Bruce eyed the two Guys In White and felt Danny stiffen up as they passed. The question returned to him as the immediate danger was now over. How did they get into the Bat-cave? He had state of the art security and then modified it to be even better. How in the world did they get in? Bruce would solve this mystery but first he had to take care of Danny.

Bruce looked warmly down on the little boy, "Hey Danny?" The halfa in question flinched. "When I'm not in my suit you can call me Bruce. There is a man upstairs you might remember as agent A, his name is Alfred. He won't hurt you at all, if anything he will protect you too." Danny's breathing quickened but he remained by Bruce, if anything he tightened his grip on the man's sleeve.

Danny stole quick glances at Bruce's core just to make sure he wasn't lying. He may have saved his life twice now but that doesn't mean he has a free pass. Danny was just cautious,

They stepped into the elevator and Danny yelped and held onto Bruce tighter as the elevator jerked upwards. Danny was starting to appreciate Bruce's sleeve, it was a nice thing to hold onto. It didn't register that his hands had slipped from the sleeve and were now gripping the man's hand. The door opened and they stepped out into a library-like room with a desk in the middle, a piano in a corner and a large clock they had just exited.

Danny shuffled closer to Bruce as he was led around his new surroundings. Bruce's core regained its inky black color as they walked around the large house, Bruce glancing at passing pictures. The house was missive and beautiful, it was rather dark but it was somewhat comforting. There were so many hallways and passages that Danny was completely lost by the time they entered the kitchen. It was a colossal sized room with a shiny, clean, and long table in the middle, the chairs were all high backed and cushioned. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, three actually, all with ornate and intricate glass designs on them that Danny didn't pay much attention to. Danny shuddered at a resurfacing memory caused by the insanely clean wood top of the table. There was a table... and the lights were so bright... he was getting closer... like...

"Alfred?" Bruce called out. The old man from earlier stepped into the room, his core the same calmness and his posture remaining poised.

On instinct, Danny hid behind Bruce, slightly shaking as his head swirled with uncertainty and renewed fear. Was this really a good idea? But too late, Bruce and Alfred were already talking.

"Yes master Bruce? Ah, you have brought young master Daniel along." Danny squeaked and held onto Bruce's hand tighter while slamming his eyes shut. "Still a bit skittish I see." he said with a soft smile.

Bruce sent a concerned frown at the small boy, this was going to be harder than he thought. "Yes, well, I went down stairs and found we had a few guests that were trying to make off with him." Bruce said, Alfred's eyebrows went up.

A Chance to Trust (YJ/DP)Where stories live. Discover now