-23- Rifts

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Clockwork sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Out of all the hair brained ideas and scenarios Clockwork thought possible, the impossible just happened.

Tucker Foley stood in front of him, In-fi map in hand and offering him a way out.

He knew the rogue ghosts would try and stage a break out, but they would fail. At least, they were supposed to. But this was not the case, instead they were zipping ghosts out of the prison via In-fi map.

"You do realize what you're holding right?" The ghost of time asked, Tucker seemed confused.

"Yeah, and we gotta get out of here before the agents come, aren't you supposed to be all-knowing?" The boy said with a little exasperation. Clockwork only sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose harder.

"No you don't understand, this should not be here," he pointed to the map then to the area around them, "none of this should be happening. Your efforts to free the ghosts might just send our timeline into another, causing a inter-dimensional rift and destroying both the ghost zone and the human world." Clockwork said with a scowl. He was tired of sitting around doing nothing but for the sake of the infinite realms he had to or else the timelines would converge and chaos would reign before destruction rattled their reality.

Tucker frowned. "What?"

"I've played through this scenario millions of times, never once has the Infi-map been found and put to use. Basically I'm walking blind right now, I'm only speculating what's going to happen. but I know for a fact that that map is not from this timeline and using in this one will cause major disruption between realms and realities. Time is delicate, the separation between dimensions is thinner than you'd think. There were already a few holes in it, no need to cut it with scissors!" The ghost rambled.

"So are you coming or not?" Tucker asked, completely bored with all the talk of dimensions and fabric. Clockwork took a deep breath, he shouldn't strangle the kid but man was he being annoying. He was trying to save them for goodness sake!

"What I'm saying is, the fact that that map is in this dimensions means someone else is meddling with the time streams. Someone who obviously doesn't know what they are doing, or maybe someone... outside... the... dimensions..." clockwork trailed off, "shiitake mushrooms." Clockwork put a hand on his forehead, no way, this couldn't be happening.

"Fine, I'll come but we can't keep using the In-fi Map, it's the equivalent of letting the GIW destroy the Ghost Zone but much more chaotic." Clockwork said, gears turning literally and figuratively.

"Then how will we get out?" Tucker asked. This Clockwork fellow was messing the whole plan up, it wasn't supposed to be a big escape, just a bunch of tiny ones.

"Martian Manhunter is here, he can help, if he's not dead." Clockwork offered, mumbling the last part to himself that Tucker most certainly heard.

"WHAT?" Tucker exploded, "how can we tell if he's dead or not?!"

"I haven't heard from him in a while but he could be asleep, I do know where his cell is. I also know Technus and Amorpho are having a very bad day and we need to get them out of here now if we want them to stay alive."

"OK, ok, which one first? We should get Technus first." the boy said once hearing his friend's dilemma, but Clockwork shook his head.

"Technus is closer but The Martian can help us get out, we're going to have to fight our way out."

"but isn't everyone too weak to fight?" Tucker asked, he had noticed the ghost of time's sad appearance. His cloak was all torn and his blue skin was practically white, new scars littered his visible skin and he could barely hover over the deadly ground.

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