Eleven- This is our last song

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Alternate song: Home

He gazed lazily at the sky, feet kicking in the cool water over the edge of the dock. "How far do you think we'll go?" he asked quietly.

His companion glanced sidelong at him. "What do you mean?"

"We've come so far so fast. There's so much we've seen already, but there's multitudes more that we haven't." He rolled onto his side. "Who do you think will see it first?"

"I've lived for a very long time, and have seen and discovered everything the world has ever had to offer to us. I can't help but think that you will be the one destined for the stars."

"Yeah, well, you're still trying to give me quite the run for my money." He faced the stars once again.

"Yes, I am. Just because I believe the cosmos are yours to conquer, doesn't mean I won't try to take them from you anyway."

"This is a dangerous game you keep playing, big guy."

"I know." He smiled cheerfully. "That makes it all the more fun!"

He laughed. "Of course. The threat is the thrill, yeah?"

"Yes, of course."

"You just can't stand to have a child like me be better than the great Mother empire, can you?"

He was silent.

"As I thought." His voice was laced with humor instead of the expected malice.

They had their quiet, peaceful place of nothing more than meaningless talk, just like they always used to. No fights. That was just for show, just part of the act.

"Why is it that you love the sky?" he mused. "What is the appeal that the earth and the ocean doesn't have?"

"There's no boundaries in the sky. Nothing that you have to fight for, nothing and no one to tell you not to do something. It's as free as free can be."



The wind that bit at his cheeks was sharp and cold, and it hurt his ears even though they were covered. He wandered around the outskirts of the Sec listlessly. Something in him told him that there was something there, and that he needed to see it. But he didn't know what he was looking for, exactly.

That is, until he saw the slightest flicker of pale fabric around the corner of a building. "Hey!" he called out to them, trying to see who they were. The person popped their head around the corner, looked around, then motioned for him to follow before disappearing around the wall again.

Alfred sprinted in their direction, trying to catch up as quickly as possible. Surely they couldn't get far when matched against his paranormal speed.

When he reached the edge of the building a few seconds later, the person was nowhere in sight. He stepped out into the piles of rubble that used to be a street, looking for the person he had seen. Something about them seemed familiar.

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