Five- Handlebars

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"Don't tell me that I can't achieve this! I can do anything! Anything that I set my mind to is done, regardless of the fact that the rest of you declare it impossible." he shouted to the assembled people. "You all know what I've been capable of! I landed on the moon, created the first nuclear weapons, created the internet, beat the world's greatest empire when I was a fucking child. I have everything that you all wish you could some day aquire! And you only know the half of it!"

"America, calm down! There's no need to get hysterical over this!"

Alfred whirled around, eyes dark and pupils dilated. "You have no idea what I've done to get to this point. I own the world now; there's peace, there's happiness, there's true equality for everyone. What else could anyone want?"

"Maybe they just want their freedom. You of all people should know how that feels, America." England's tone was almost dismissive, but the fire in his gaze and the grimace on his face proved otherwise.

"Don't you dare turn this back around on me!" he screeched, raising his hand to strike the englishman. Canada rushed in between them, grabbing his brothers wrist tightly and holding his glare.

"Alfred, snap out of it. This isn't something that you want to do. You're not a tyranny, don't start acting like it now."

Alfred's heated gaze slowly cooled, and he relaxed his shoulders, letting his hand drop to his side. He brought his other hand up to rub his temple agitatedly.

"Look," he addressed the room, "I came here to offer one last chance to the rest of you. You can join my empire, or my boss is going to obliterate you. No questions, no negotiations. When I leave here today, I leave with the list of countries that oppose me and their coordinates get plugged into the launch code sources. I don't want to be the reason you all die, but I don't have any more choices. So, who'll it be?"

England glared at him. "I don't think I could ever stoop so low as to bow to someone like you, America. I'd rather go to war again." He stormed out of the room, fists clenched, and didn't look back.

"Would anyone else like to join him?" Alfred gazed around the room expectantly. Prussia stepped up to him and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Boy, we've been through a lot together, and we are friends, but I can't let my family fall to you. You're going to have to take us by force." Alfred stared at him in anguish, frown tugging at the edges of his lips.

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