Three- Beautiful Times

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"I call this meeting to order." The command fell on deaf ears. No one was listening. They didn't have the energy to.

"If I may be frank, Germany, I don't think that I can keep up with a meeting right now," China said, rubbing his face tiredly. "I can feel myself going. There's too many people in my country and not enough space. Everyone is in a panic and so am I."

"I move that we all just take a day off to rest," Canada called from his chair beside his brother.

"I actually agree with him," America added. "There's just too much going on, and we all know that the only reason we still hold these meetings is because we need something familiar and constant so none of us go completely insane like," he paused, "Japan did. I like to see my friends and my family just as much as everyone else, so I think that we could all use a break for a day."

The German sighed, but nodded in resignation. "Ja, I suppose that a rest would be nice."

Alfred looked to China, who was now resting his head on the table. "Hey, China. You good?"

"No, America. I am not."

"Figured." He averted his eyes, looking at his hands clasped on the table. Then, he spoke with a small voice that didn't belong to him. "Is Kiku... still..."

China looked at him, brown eyes glistening. "He's alive, but he's too far gone for it to matter. He'd be better off dead than where he is now. I just don't have it in me to make it that way."

"And the rest of your siblings?"

He shook his head. "They're either gone or I've lost contact with them. I don't think that any of them are still alive."

The American dropped his head, falling silent for a moment of respect. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Yao lifted his head. "Someone close?"

"You speak of Russia, don't you?" Alfred shook his head forlornly. "I've heard rumors about him. What do you know?"

"I've spoken with him recently; he seems to be faring far better than I am."

"I guess there's hope for a new world yet, then."


"Dee! We're heading out on a search mission tonight!" he called into the dark hallway, knowing that she would hear him. "Pack enough for two weeks of travel because we're heading north-east."

He waltzed into her room, finding her still asleep on the mat on the floor. "Hey-ey, Dee! Wake up there's pancakes for breakfast in the mess hall today and you're gonna miss it!"

At the mention of food, she shot up, dark brown hair sticking up in every direction. "There's pancakes?! I ain't seen those in 'most a year!"

She stood up and made for the door, but was stopped by an arm around her stomach. She looked at him in confusion. "What are you waitin' for? Quit dawdling, America!"

"I would, but you're not wearing any pants, love." Dee looked down at herself and huffed, making Alfred laugh.

"Whatever," she said, "Pants are overrated anyways."

"Yeah, but the dust in the air is still radioactive and will fuck up your pretty dark skin something awful." She shrugged, pulling on a pair of black jeans, checking and making sure there were no holes in them, then pulling on a pair of boots, lacing them up and tucking the laces into the top rather than tie them.

"Alright, now can we go?" she asked him impatiently.

He smiled at her. "Yep! Let's do this now because I need some coffee today since I didn't get any at all last week."

The duo took off, racing each other to the long building on the other side of the plaza. "Yo, Phi!" Alfred called as he neared. Both he and Dee skid to a stop in front of the other, spraying him with dirt and pebbles.

Phi let out a high-pitched exclaimation of surprise, stumbling back and blocking the debris from hitting his face. "Why d'you have to run like that all over the place all the damn time?" he grumbled at them in annoyance.

"Why not?"

"Because some of us are normal human beings who don't have the energy of the entire sun as soon as they wake up."

"Well, luckily for me I'm not human. But I don't wake up with that much energy. She does." America jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at the girl who was standing behind him, and she nodded sincerely.

"I sure do."

"I just look forward to breakfast so much that it seems like I have energy to spare."

"I feel ya, brother." Phi turned and strode into the mess hall, Alfred and Dee following.

Before he was all the way into the building, Alfred stopped, hand resting on the door frame. He gazed over his shoulder at the partly cloudy sky.

I have hope, and that's all I'll need to get through this. These are beautiful times, and the light will come back soon enough.

This Is Our Last SongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz