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Kris walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of what I hope consisted of cereal. He came back to the couch and set a bowl down in front of me. The bowl had doggy paw shaped kibble in it. I grimaced. Nope. I don't care what he says, I am not eating dog food. I pushed the bowl away from me. Anger flashed across his face but then returned to a calm expression. 

"I'm not eating dog food." I said firmly. He sighed. " You are my pet. You do what I  say. I don't think you've learned that." he growled. I stood up, my eyes level with his chest. I looked up at him. 

"I don't care. Let me go. I am not  your pet. I WANT TO GO HOME!" I yelled. His face remained completely calm. That terrified me. But I wouldn't stand down. I've heard of too many girls being captured and falling in love with said captor. I wouldn't be like them, They were weak and I am not. My first intinct was to run to the door again and avoid that house. But before I could do anything, I felt his strong grasp on my arm, making me cry out in pain. He grabbed my shoulders and turned my body to face his. 

"When will you understand?! I love you and we will be together forever! You will not escape me!" he roared. But I was quick in thought and saw my opportunity to strike. On the coffee table was a fountain pen. I had noticed it when I ran away earlier and I remembered it when I spent time in the dog cage. I lunged for it and shoved the cold, sharp, metal end into his shoulder. He cursed in pain and his arm went to his shoulder. I tore away from him and ran up the stairs. I had been taking mental notes as I was pretending to give in. LIKE SHIT I would fall for this crazy dude. I ran into my bedroom and shut the door. I put the desk chair up against the doorknob and ran to retrieve my clothes. I looked under the bed to find that the needle I had was still there. I am not one to be underestimated in things like this. I had to hide the needle when I was recaptured by Chanyeol. I hid the needle in my hair and threw it under the bed once  I stepped into the room for the first time. I grabbed it just in time to hear stomping up the stairs. SHIT. I went to the window and looked down. It wasnt far, I would probably have sore legs after this but I have to get out of here. I took a small decorative object from the desk and pounded it against the window. The glass shattered and the door busted. I had enough time to jump before he could grab me. It was like the building all over again, but his time I wasn't going in slow motion. My feet hit the cold dirt floor and I cried out in pain. I had to keep going. I couldn't stop here. I ran aimlessly into the large bushel of trees, illuminated by the bright sun. I ran all over until I heard the sound I have been wanting to hear. It was a car, many cars passing by. The road! I ran towards the sound until I stumbled upon the freeway. I celebrated inwardly and tried to signal one of the cars to me. One car, a silver Toyota, pulled up to the side of the road to where I was. And lets just say, I was a mess. My hair was tangled, I was covered in dirt, and I was slightly limping. Two men got out of the car and rushed to my aid. One was pretty short, had really pretty eyes, and the other was a little taller, with nice cheekbones and the edges of his mouth curved up slightly. They both had worried looks on their faces. 

" Are you okay?!" the cat-eyed one asked frantically. I couldn't respond, only nod and slightly fall forward. They both caught me just in time before I hit the ground. All my fighting spirit had vanished. It was over. I was safe. He is gone. I blabbered about my home and I needed to get back to the city. They carried me back to their car and put  a small blanket over me. They got in and started driving down the road. 

" My name is Jongdae by the way. You can call me Chen if you want" the one with the curved mouth said. " And this is Xiumin or Minseok." He gestured to the other. I nodded weakly. Suddenly, Chen's phone rang. He answered it. 

"Hello?" he said. His eyebrows furrowed as he listened to the person on the other end.

"Is that so?" he said finally. He looked at me and then Xiumin. He nodded. 

"Alright." he said and hung up. I was too groggy and tired to hear what he was saying. I felt the car turn sharply and turn. This woke me up a little. I thought we were going the other way! 

"Um, where are we going?" I asked. The car pulled over to the side of the road and Xiumin turned towards me. 

"We are taking you home! Where else would we go?" I froze in fear and worry. That look in their eyes, that exact same creepy look that Chanyeol had. What if.... I couldn't finish my thought before I felt a needle jab into my neck. I groaned in pain and fell back into the seat. The light was going dark again. No. NO!! They can't be friends of his! NO! The last thing I saw was there evil grins on there faces then the world went black. ONCE AGAIN. Maybe the world hates me after all. I should have killed myself when I had the chance.





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