All Mine

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Kris dragged me down another set of stairs which led to the basement. He pulled at my arm, ignoring my screams of pain and fear. I've always been scared of basements and the dark. The dark is my worst fear. The creatures that could be lurking in the shadows gave me the chills. He threw me in what seemed like a dog cage. It had two bowls in it and  a fluffy blanket. He slammed the door and pulled up a wooden stool and sat on it, staring at me with cold, dark eyes. 

" I told you, and you didn't listen to me." he said darkly. I quivered in fear at his words. He stood up and started pacing around the dark room, only lit by a dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling. 

" I've waited a long time for you. I've watched you for so long, waiting for my moment to take what's mine. Only mine. I've seen your life pass by like a car on the freeway. So much pain, so much anger, so much sadness. But now, I have you. You get to be mine now. If you follow my rules, then you will be happy. But you seem pretty bent on the idea of fighting me." He slammed his fist of the top of the cage, making me jump. " When will you understand that you will never leave me? You will never escape from me. We will be together forever, whether you like it or not. You listen to me now. You follow my rules. And if you don't, punishment will come. I am giving you a choice. Obey me or be punished. Its as simple as that.

I stare up at him, shock spreading my face.  He knelt down to meet my eye level. " So what will it be?" he asked in a husky voice. I shivered. I looked straight into his eyes.

" Fuck off." I hissed. His anger boiled over the surface and he slammed  his fist on the cage again. He sat up and began to walk to the door. 

"Fine. Have it your way. You will submit to me sooner or later. Tell me when you are ready. I will be waiting." he growled. He shut the light bulb off and slammed the door, leaving me in darkness. I sobbed endlessly, throwing the blanket over my body, hoping I might wake up from a horrible nightmare. I pinched myself mercilessly, trying to wake up. I cried out in anger. I lay there, sobbing like a newborn. And like a newborn, I cry myself to sleep, hoping this nightmare would come to and end.


I woke up to the sound of the basement door being opened and closed. I buried my face into the blanket, avoiding Kris's gaze. 

" Are you ready to be obedient?" he asked in a light voice. I sat up, my hair going everywhere. He was in black sweatpants and a grey t shirt. I couldn't spend another night down here, so I looked up at him hesitantly and nodded slightly. He smiled.

"Good. You can come out now." He opened the cage door and I began to stand up when he pushed me back down. He pulled something out of his pocket. It jangled like a bell and I stopped when I saw it. It was a collar with my name on it. Hell no. Fuck no. No way in hell. NO. I would not wear a dog collar. It was just... wrong. He handed it to me. I stared at it for a few seconds before taking it and holding it in my hands. He gave me a look to put it on. I put on the do-I-really-have-to look. His expression became more demanding and I quickly put it on, scared of what would happen if I refused. I hate myself. I began to stand up but he pushed me down again. 

" What am I-" I began to say but he quickly interrupted. " You are mine now. You have to crawl on the floor." he said happily. Um, maybe no! " How miserable are you going to make me?!" I said angrily. He shrugged and pushed me back to the floor. I sighed heavily and started crawling up the stairs. When I reached the top, him following close behind me, I looked around. The kitchen was filled with light. It looked so different. Not the creepy, dark house I knew. He beckoned me upstairs to where the hallway of rooms. He led me to a different room. It had cream-colored walls and a nice white bed. It was huge, enough for two to fit on it. There was  an outfit laid on the bed. 

"I picked your outfit out. Do you like it?" he asked hopefully. I looked at the clothes and almost gagged.

 I looked at the clothes and almost gagged

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"Uhhh... they're great!" I say with false cheer. He smiled. They were the most revolting things I have ever seen. They were pink, girly, and PINK. But I didn't want him to get mad, since his behavior seemed very bipolar and unstable so I tried to be safe with my words. He left me to change and I hesitantly got the outfit on. I looked in the mirror hanging on the back of the door. Ugh. Its GROSS. It showed off half my stomach and I felt very uncomfortable. I walked out to find him waiting for me in the hall. His face lit up when he saw me. 

"Aww. You're so cute. This is definitely your style." he gushed. I plastered a fake smile on my face. It took all my power and fear to keep from stabbing him in the eyes with my earrings. This was torture. PURE TORTURE. My style was more like this.

But I guess it will have to do

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But I guess it will have to do. I'm way too scared to anger him. He led me back downstairs, me being very uncomfortable trying to crawl on all fours down the stairs. How did dogs do it. I have respect. We reached the livingroom and he sat me on the couch.

" Tonight, there will be a few guests coming over. I expect you to behave, or else." his tone changed from charming to terrifying. I nodded quickly and his face calmed down. 

"Good. Now, what do to with you?"






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