~ Ten ~

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Thorben layed the sleeping girl down in one of the rooms closest to the warmth of the main parlor. This manor was once used as his father's hunting lodge before his mother became too ill to travel. It had been forgotten along with her memory. The road there had already began to grow over in the seven short months since she had passed. He pulled a thick quilt over Karli. She really was beautiful, this princess who unknowingly held the key to his future. But would she, if she knew the danger she faces, unlock him from the cruel fate before him?

He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek causing her to stir in her sleep at the gentile sensation. He quickly took a step back. If she had woken and found him standing over her like this it would probably frighten her more than when she had first saw him in the forest. He wasn't sure why, but the memory of that, the look of fear in her eyes, it bothered him.

He stepped into the hall closing the door behind him. It was nice to have hands again. While Groa's enchantment had hidden him from the eyes of the forest, he felt uncomfortable in the bear skin. Not to mention how awkward it was to not be able to grasp things.

Giving one last glance back, he crossed the hall to another of the small guest rooms. The room was smaller and much less grand than his private quarters of the palace, yet surprisingly it felt more like home. Here he was safe, if only temporary. He settled into a nearly restful sleep knowing he had evaded his aunt for this night.

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