~ Four ~

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The ladies of nobility took tea in a sunny parlor somewhere within the walls of the Sol Palace.  Haydon fidgeted impatiently in her seat eager for the other ladies to cease with their boring chit chat and move on to more interesting conversation, specifically the topic of Prince Thorben. She took a dainty sip from her tea cup, hardly enough to taste the bitter brew inside. Never having developed a fondness for the drink, she only joined these parties to indulge in a juicy bit of gossip. Her disappointment quickly vanished as the topic evolved from a review of yesterday’s failure to seduce the prince into plans for future coercion.

“Do you have such little faith in me?” Belinda loaded her cup with honey and watched the woman across from her as she drank. “You of all people know how easily a king can be swayed by his queen.”

Marlise smiled behind her tea cup. “I also know that some children, no matter how greatly their parents strive on their account, still manage to disappoint.”

Hayden nodded her agreement, blissfully ignorant as to the insult.

“It may take some time, but my Fridrik knows this marriage is for the best and he will have his way, no matter how headstrong Thorben may be.” It was understood that “his way” had little to do with however he truly felt about the matter. “But it wouldn’t hurt to help things along.”

She produced a small glass perfume bottle and removed the stopper. The room was filled with a sickly sweet aroma. “This, ladies, is the true power of a woman,” She let a few drops of the crimson liquid fall onto the back of her hand. Then she held it out to the Persian curled on her lap and he kissed it like a gentleman. She scratched the cat’s ears playfully, singing: “Kitty Kitty, will you fulfill my heart’s desire? Do you love me quite enough to risk a walk through fire?”

The cat jumped down and rubbed against her leg before sauntering out of the room.

Hayden snorted in delight. She had honestly been expecting something extraordinary to happen, as if the cat would suddenly speak or burst into flames. This was the infamous Belinda? This was the witch of so many a childrens' tale? The snort gave way to uncontrollable laughter.

“Stop giggling like a fool and leave us.” The venom in her mother’s voice was enough to keep her quite.

She curtsied to the women and disappeared into the hall. They could have their insufferable tete-a-tete over tea, she would rather spend the morning having her hair styled and makeup applied. After all, there was no such thing as natural beauty and it was sure to do better in winning the princes’ heart than some rancid perfume.

She had just ascended the stairs when she was suddenly assaulted by the scent of scorched hair coming from her room. Immediately thinking of her wigs, she ran to the source. The fireplace . There was something burning inside. Moving closer, she could hardly make out what it was...and then she could. She became ill, completely ruining her favorite gown.

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