~ Nine ~

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The tree branch bounced under the weight of the raven. He pruned his feathers, restless to be back in the safety of his nest. His were not the only eyes searching this forest.

His head cocked to the side, alerting on a far away noise. Normally his instincts would have caused him to take flight, but he fought against them in order to identify the culprit.

The bushes rustled below him. The something emerged from the foggy undergrowth. It was a giant white bear with a sleeping young girl across it's back. Interesting, but not what he was looking for.

He rustled his feathers. This was ridiculous, he had flown over every inch of this forest and was certain there was no prince to be found. But he didn't dare go back empty handed. That would surely mean death for himself as well as three and twenty of his relatives, who were locked in the Queen's cages. His sharp cry shattered the peaceful slumber of the diurnals as he flew off into the early morning fog.

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