Jackson Number 5

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Annabeth's POV

"Percy! It's time!" I gritted my teeth and rubbed the sides of my belly. It was three a.m. The date was March 17th. Percy bolted upright and helped me downstairs into the car. Then Percy ran back into the house twice to fetch our sleeping kids. I squeezed Percy's hand the whole way to the hospital. I glanced back at my kids every now and then. Luke would be turning five in May, which was about two months away. His curly blonde hair was even messier now that he was asleep. Zoe, who would be turning three in June; sat right next to him in the backseat. Then our twins Charlie and Silena who would be turning two in January sat in the bucket seats behind us. All of our kids were sound asleep, Percy jiggled my hand, "you ready?" He whispered as we neared the hospital.

I looked back at wonderful family. "Yes, I sure am."


Sally and Paul awaited by the front doors of the hospital. We pulled into the loop and after Percy helped me out then we gave them the keys to go park the car and bring the kids in. Percy and I rushed up into the hospital I did the fun part of yelling for a room.

Minutes later we were rushed into a delivery room, nurses hustled and bustled everywhere. I had called my parents and sent out a text to my friends, my dad and stepmom were flying out tomorrow afternoon. I was excited to see them, it seemed like forever since the last time I'd seen my side of the family. I began to think about our new baby, we decided we wanted to be surprised. So last night the kids, Percy and I had a "name the baby" contest. I smiled in memory thinking about it.

"All right Jacksons it's time to play name that baby!" Percy announced to our group of giggling kids. "Do we have any suggestions?"

"Holly and Finn." Luke answered.

"Charlotte and Wilbur." Zoe added. Lately she'd been really into Charlotte's Web.

"Candy." Charlie announced.

"Hot dog." Silena barked.

"Ok," Percy wrote them down on a sheet of paper.

"How about Zack for a boy and...Allie for a girl." I suggested.

"Orion and Mary." Percy added.

"Wait! I change mine! What about Taylor for a girl." Luke said.

"Taylor like Taylor Swift?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah!" Luke sang.

I looked at Percy, our whole family loved Taylor Swift. And, I actually really liked the name Taylor. "I like it, do you all agree?" I asked.

"Yeah." Luke and Percy grinned.

The twins clapped their hands, "shake it off, shake it off!"

"I like Charlotte." Zoe crossed her arms.

"How about Taylor Charlotte Jackson?" Percy announced.

Zoe's green eyes lit up with excitement, "yeah!"

The kids and I all cheered as Percy wrote the name down and circled it. "Now, how about a boy?"

"Hot dog!" Silena barked.

"Nemo!" Charlie clapped his hands.

"I liked Orion. It sounds cool," said Luke.

"Me too." Zoe agreed.

"Same here Perc." I beamed at Percy.

"What about a middle name?" Percy asked us.

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