Toddling Into Big News

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Percy's POV

Finally, it was Saturday. It had been a long week at work and I was ready to unwind and spend some quality time with my family. Annabeth refused to let me take Zoe to work this week. She claimed that Zoe needed to stay home, but I think she was seizing the opportunity for some bonding time. Personally, I thought it was funny that Zoe was the only one of our kids who wasn't a momma's baby.

Zoe and Luke were so different it was a miracle they never fought. Zoe is rough and tough, but she knows when to be gentle. And Luke is soft around the edges and is anything but rough. Somehow, they're the best of friends and Annabeth and I never complain. Luke had started preschool almost a week ago and he loved every minute of it. He and Troy became better friends and as each day passed, Zoe was less and less emotional about Luke leaving. Charlie and Silena were almost ten months old, they were crawling all over the place. Those two would grab objects off every shelf in sight, nothing was safe anymore in our household.

I gave Annabeth the day off to go and spend some time with her friends because I knew she needed a break. She wouldn't admit it, but she was happy I suggested this. I invited Jason, Leo, and Frank over and to bring their kids as well. It would be one big playdate for us. Luke and Troy were great friends, since they saw each other everyday from at preschool. Zoe, Elliot, and Sammy got along very well together, even though they were only two. The twins, Charlie and Silena, played with Penny, Jason's eight month old daughter; and Frank's daughter Delilah, who was almost one.

They were all coming over around noon, and Luke and Zoe wouldn't quit asking. I told everyone to bring their swimsuits, there's nothing my kids love more than swimming, especially with their friends. Over the last few weekends my kids had somehow convinced me to make a waterside, a real one. Not the natural one I make whenever I'm with them in the pool. So last weekend, Luke, Zoe, the twins, and I went shopping for a slide suitable for our pool. They wanted a huge slide that was tunnel and was curly, but I told them just a simple steep one would be just fine. We picked out a sky blue basic, generic slide that Leo had helped me bolt down into the concrete foundation next to the pool. I hadn't let them use it, and they were eager to do so.

"Are they here yet?" Zoe asked from the kitchen, she was carefully eating her Cheerios, she hated making a mess.

"Not yet Zoe, they'll be here at twelve." I answered from the family room, watching Charlie try to stand up.

Charlie had been trying desperately to walk around like his older siblings. He could stand; with the help of either me, Annabeth, a table or a chair. But he couldn't walk around, and his crawling could no longer keep up with either of older siblings. Charlie would throw a fit every time they got too far ahead of him. Silena on the other hand, could care less if she could crawl or walk. She was perfectly happy being carried everywhere or crawling as fast as her arms and legs could carry her.

Charlie had all ready began to grow his full head of curly blonde hair like his mom. Silena had my hair, but it was wavy and almost reached her neck. Her grey eyes shone like Annabeth's and every time I looked at Silena I thanked the gods for her. We had almost lost her once, and I didn't plan on that ever happening again.

Just then the doorbell rang, "can one of you get that?" I asked Luke and Zoe who were racing their way to the door.

"Let me open it!" Luke shouted.

"No I want to, you did it last time." Zoe whined.

"Fine, but I get to do it next time." Luke gave in, as I heard the door open and the cool September air filled the house.

"Uncle Jason!" They sang in unison.

"Hey Jacksons! How are you two?" I heard Jason ask.

"Good." They barked in response.

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