Using ADHD to your advantage

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Using ADHD to your advantage

ADHD can seem like hell, but believe it or not, there are some ways you can use it to your advantage!

1. Compassion

People with ADHD have great compassion and ability to connect with others. This means we can make close relationships and put ourselves in others shoes.

2. Creativity

Our brains are screwed up, so there is no limit to them. Many great artists have ADHD!

3. Driven

People with ADHD get bored with topics they don't care about. But if we have to necessary tools and an interesting topic, try to stop us. I dare you.

4. Problem solving

If we are given an interesting problem, we won't stop until we find the solution.

5. Hyper-focus

Although it can be hard to concentrate, we can also hyper-focus.

6. Sense of humor

People with ADHD love to laugh and make others laugh.

7. Resiliency

We are able to easily bounce back from difficult challenges.

8. Intuition

We can understand something immediately.

9. Brainstorming

We don't bother with the details, but we can think of things very fast.

10. Special something

People with ADHD feel they see the world in a different way than others. Until we meet others with it.

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