Rumors about ADHD/ADD

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10 myths about it

1. It's Not Real

ADHD and ADD are real. It's not an excuse for bad behaved kids or kids with bad grades. Doctors have done brain scans and found that people with ADD/ADHD have brains that actually look and act differently than normal brains.

2. It's okay to take medication for it, even if you don't have a prescription or ADHD/ADD

This is a terrible idea. Some medications can be highly addictive and cause hallucinations if you overdose. If you are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, get a prescription and help to figure out what dose you should take. Believe me, the doctors do know what they're doing.

3. Taking the medication will automatically make you smart.

It won't. People with ADHD have an imbalance of chemicals in there brains. The medication makes people with ADD/ADHD act like someone who doesn't have it. We still have to try just as hard as everyone else on the medication.

4. Eating certain foods will cause ADHD/ADD

If you have ADHD/ADD, you were born with it, even if your symptoms didn't surface until you were older. You cannot get ADHD/ADD from foods.

5. People with ADHD/ADD are just lazy or dumb

People with ADHD/ADD aren't "dumb" or "lazy". Some very successful people have ADHD/ADD, including Albert Einstein and Michael Phelps.

6. Only children have ADHD/ADD

70% of kids that had ADHD/ADD still have it as a teen. 50% of kids with ADHD/ADD will have it as adults.

7. People who take medication for
ADD\ADHD are more likely to do street drugs, like marijuana.

They are actually less likely to do street drugs, as the medication helps them make better decisions.

8. People with ADHD/ADD just need to try harder

Before I took medication for my ADHD, I remember staying up really late to finish projects, I just kept getting distracted.

9. Only boys have ADHD/ADD

Although more boys have ADHD/ADD than girls, girls can still have it.

10. ADHD/ADD can be treated with vitamins and herbs

This hasn't been scientifically proven, but medication like Ritalin, Adderall, and Vyvanse has been.

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