Fighting for Peace

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Nick's POV

-in the demon/angel/fallen angel conference room-

Me:So why are we here?

Satan: I want to get straight to the point... are you two... my little girls' boyfriends?

Simon: Huh?

Eri: (flustered) Dad!

Katrina: (blushing) T-t-they are just our servants.

Satan: -laughs- Sorry, sorry I just had to ask.

Me: Well it has crossed my mind before.

Simon: Eh?

Me: Anyways what's the reason you called us here? Satan?

Satan: Oh please, 'Satan' is just a title carried out by family, call me Hamilton.

Me: I'll stick to 'Satan' I was a Christian before I turned into a zombie.

Satan: Oh?

Simon: Okay, Hamilton, what's the reason the council of demons and fallen angel and angel's want us here?

Gabriel: We actually want to have peace but each of us have different ways of seeing 'peace'.

Amon: You see we fallen angels want to be in heaven again. The demons want to start 'Armageddon' because the angels want to cleanse the whole world off impurities.

Dang these people don't even know what 'peace' I know that they are at the brink of war now, so if I make one misstep war we're just start. We are waking on a very thin wire, even the smallest sound might break it.

Simon: Let me deal with this, -stands up- You all, ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS! Your 'peace' are just fuel to make war again! Even if we split it to even categories one of you jackasses will become greedy and want the whole planet for your god damned selves!

Gabriel: Well, true but to make things right you have to make sacrifices.

Simon: Say that to the sacrifice people! Or do you want to be the sacrifice?

Gabriel: That's absurd! Why would I be one when there are so much volunteers?

Simon: So you admit that you're scared to sacrifice yourself? You have to mind f*ck other to do your dirty work?

Gabriel: -slams table and stands up- What terrible excuse is that!

Me: At church, some people are so absorbed into the bible and chants that they don't even eat, sleep, drink.

Gabriel: -stays silent and sits down-

Simon: And you! -points at Amon- Sacrificial rituals and being conducted by your kind right now! So does it mean that you want to do demonic rituals in heaven as well! Bullsh*t! I say! And Hamilton, what does 'Armageddon' mean?

Satan: Well it means to start chaos in the world.

Simon: 'Chaos' and 'Peace' don't go hand-in-hand they go toe-to-toe against each other.

Eri: (whispers to me) Is Simon like.. a vampire which is into politics and debates?

Me: -shrugs- Don't ask me.. I'm no psychologist.

Satan: Well, this brings an end to today's conference, we need to think things over.

Gabriel: I agree. -leaves-

Amon: I would like to hear about the sacrificial rituals. And you said it's from my people?

Me: Oh yeah, Azael and Samael were talking about something like, bring sacrifices to their 'lord'.

Amon: Thank you for the information, now if you would excuse me I need to punish those two. And... Is your name Nick Morgan?

Me: Yeah, why?

Amon: Good to see you... son of...

Me: Hold it right there, don't cross that line, I don't have a dad. My mom got knocked up with some guy, that's now how I was made, I'm just a guy with no dad.

Amon: Suit yourself. -walks out-

-the group leaves hell and got out fine, no fights, no fallen angels trying to abduct them-

A peaceful day in hell, what an odd turn of events, not to say I don't like, it's just weird. When we reached home I remembered I had to help something out.

Me: I go for now cya! -walks off-

Eri: Where are you going?

Me: It's gonna be Good Friday soon, so I decided to go and say 'hi' to Sister, Brother and Father.

Eri: Well, good luck and come back before you get sick.

Me: Yeah, I know I don't like being sick. -leaves house-

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