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Nick's POV

My name is Nick Morgan, I am a 15 year-old male, single and NOT looking for a girlfriend. A lot of people wanted a 'rose-coloured' life, but me and my friend Simon well.. we prefer a 'red-coloured' life at the nights.

Me: -sighs- What a day, I can't wait to crash back at home.

Simon: Yeah, I know I can't take the sun today. -takes Nick's hoodie and wears it-

Me: You always can't take the sun.

Simon: -drags Nick under a big tree- Hurry!

Well, yeah, in the morning we two are rather what people call 'half-assed' or 'lifeless' which is true to an extent.

Me: -plops down under the tree- This is much better, under the shade. -closes eyes-

Simon: -sits down under the tree as well- Yup -lies down-

-A figure approaches them-

???: Why do you two always slack off? You two should be doing something in your life.

Simon: -looks up- Oh! White Cat! Nice to see you!

Me: -opens an eye- Oh, good evening White Cat. -yawns- As you can see we are doing something.. sleeping -closes eye-

White Cat is a nickname we gave Katrina Christina (we don't know why it rhymes) in our class because of her white hair and sometimes lazy attitude.(she can sleep through any alarms) She is a current member of the student council and our class representative, surprisingly she is a member of the occult club as well.

Katrina: I have a proper name, it's Katrina. And I meant something productive and just in case you don't know, sleeping isn't one! Don't you have your assignments to do?

Me: You know me, I finish them on time anyways so I have nothing to do, so why not just sleep it off.

Simon: I do the same thing besides, there's nothing much we can do.

Katrina: Since you two are doing nothing I suppose you can help me with the student council stuff? Then can you help me move the occult club's stuff as well?

Me: Sure, why not? I got nothing better to do -gets up and stretches-

Simon: -jumps up to his feet-

-in the school's student council room-

Eri: Katrina, who are those two?

Yuno: Is one of those your boyfriend?

Eri Christina is the head of the student council and the occult club's president. Yuno Frandole is the student council's secretary is part of the cheerleading club.

Katrina: Their not! Besides, their here to help out moving things around.

Eri: Most of the things that we can't move around are too heavy or to unorganised so if these people can help us out, please go ahead.

Me: Are these chemical boxes that heavy?

Eri: Yes, they have been there since last year and no can could move it and now no one can open it.

Simon: -checks unorganised papers and starts to move them into categories-

Yuno: Aren't you going to help your friend? He doesn't seem that muscular.

Simon: He is more capable than he looks, he is one of those people who looks less muscular with their clothes on.

Me: -lifts chemical box- There we go, where should I put it?

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