Master Servant Pact

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Katrina's POV

Simon: What are the fallen angels doing here?

Wait fallen angels? Why are they in a master servant pact shop!

???: Oh lookie it's a new batch of sacrifices!

???: Let's go get them and serve them to the lord

Eri: Duck! -tackles me to the ground avoiding a barrage of black feathers-

Nick: Ow, I didn't felt that at all -pulls feathers out from him-

The others are using Nick as a shield, that's smart.

Nick: Samael, Azael.You know who I am now so why don't you scram? Especially you womaniser.

Eri: Katrina, Samael and Azael are powerful fallen angels how do they know someone like Nick?

Azael: Tsk, you're here. Well this is a chance to show my lord that no mere zombie can stand in our way.

Simon: Better scram, I don't have time for this. Blind God.

Samael: I am quite informed about you vampire, but I'm sure you know who I am as well.

(Okay when it's fighting I'll use narrative not this but it will be in someone's POV)
When they fought hell shook, they made it seem like dragons were mere cats fighting over a piece of fish.

They waited for the opponent to move when Samael took a step forward Nick just disappeared from his spot and was in front of Azael and just punched him and he went flying.

Azael: Not bad -spits blood out- now take this!

Azael just made a lance of white light out of nothing and threw it at Nick. He just took it to the stomach and just took another swing at Azael with a whisper, this time Samael got in between the punch and he just flew off like he was a piece of paper. Simon came out of the shadows with blood in his teeth and glowing red eyes.

Simon: Now I've eaten I'm all fired up.

Azael: You! -aims a light lance at Simon-

Nick: -throws a rock at lance and it disperses- You remember who I am now?

Azael: I will be back! -flies away-

Me: Why were the fallen angels here in the first place?

Eri: They were looking for 'sacrifices' I believe.

Nick: They work under Amon indirectly.

Me: Amon? You mean that marquis with 40 legions?

Simon: Anyway let's get the pact ready.

Stella: To start the pact you have to stand in the circle. Since Eri is using a succubus' catalyst you two have to well, you know kiss each other. Oh and don't forget the piece.

Eri: W-w-wha... k-k-kiss?!? -turns red-

Did I hear that correctly? My sister and Nick have to WHAT?

Nick: I mean -rubs head- we already did... -turns red-


Ashly: -eyes widen-

Simon: This morning, they already did so I don't think it's a big of a deal after they already kissed this morning as well.

Eri: I was just getting up and I thought it was a dream -twiddles thumbs-

I can't believe I heard that my big sister kissed someone?!?!? I mean she is so timid and yet she did THAT?

Eri: A-anyways! Pick a piece on the chess board that represents you.

Nick: Hmm.. what is Stella's piece?

Eri: She's the queen on the chessboard I'm the King on the chessboard, rooks are suppose to be strong and durable, knights are suppose to be fast and good with swords, pawns are the front line troops but they have a bit of every chess piece powers, bishops are more for support over attack.

Nick: Then I'll pick the rook.

Eri: You might need two whole pieces to get you in that spot.

Me: Hey Simon, which piece do you want to be?

Simon: Hmm? I guess pawn or bishop.

Ashly is already a bishop so I guess Simon shall be a pawn, he might need 4 pieces to represent him in the chessboard.

Eri: Now I just have to finish the Master Servant Pact right?

Stella: Yup, now kiss!

Eri: -starts to blush- Nick... hurry.. lean down a bit -grabs him and gives him a quick kiss-

I can't believe what I just saw. My sister is finally getting a boyfriend!!! Oh yeah, it's a servant I forgot..

Stella: Okay it's done~ now it's Katrina and Simon's turn.

Simon: -steps into circle-

Me: -steps into circle-

Ashly: I'm the catalyst for this one so -sits down right in front of the circle and starts to glow- Go ahead.

Now I should place 8 pawn pieces down and it should tell me how much Simon is worth.

Me: -place 8 pawn pieces down-

-5 pieces glow and they disappear-

Me: It's done.

Nick: I don't see the problem of using a succubus as a catalyst. Nothing happened.

Stella: Think again -points at Eri-

Hmm? What happened?

Eri: -blushing- I feel warm on the inside, why is it like that?

Me: Huh? What?

Stella: -giggles- That's the side effect of a succubus catalyst. You feel more how do you say it in a normal way... lust or love I guess.

Nick: Now I regret it -covers face-

Simon: Congrats Nick, you're getting a girlfriend.

Me: Wait, wait, wait. Your catalyst is practically a matchmaker right?

Stella: Yes~ of course I prefer to make a match with him -points at Nick-

Eri: No fair! You already slept with him!

Stella: You did too you know?

Eri: -looks down and twiddle thumbs- I know that...

Me: -grabs Nick- YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER! -starts to punch and kick him-

-after a few minutes-

Nick: -stitches wounds- I can be your punching bag if you just asked.


Simon: Anyways, can we get out of here? I feel prying eyes.

Nick: Me too so can we get back to the circle?

Ashly: Agreed so shall we?

-nearby in hell-

Azael: They were inhumanly strong! They are quick as our lord!

???: I do not accept failure. Get out of my sight.

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