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Lyra was in shock and stared at Aurora before her she didn't know what to do say or think at the moment she thought her sister was dead.

"Aurora. It's been a long time." Spitfire said.

Aurora looked at her. "It has..." she replied

"What happened to you?" Echo asked.

Aurora sighed and looked away. "Not really something I like to discuss." She replied

"Seriously?!" Lyra suddenly shouted

"Lyra." Echo sighed and put a hand on the smaller femme's helm. "There is a time and place for fuming sister rage."

Lyra looked at her before looking back at Aurora she snarled and walked out of the area Knockout followed after her, Aurora watched her sister leave she sighed and looked at the others. "I do not blame her for being like that..." she said

"You really should talk to her later." Spitfire told Aurora.

"I know... and I will." Aurora replied before looking at the twins. "You both get back into the ship and finish what I was doing before I came out here."

Snapshot and Crackshot looked at her and before they nodded and headed back into the ship.

"Some times.... Those two like to get my nerves... sorry for their bickering." Aurora replied looking at Megatron

Megatron looked at her before he nodded. "It seems there are some that will do that to you." he said

"No kidding..." Aurora replied. "Now what was it you hired me for..."

Megatron looked at her before looking at Sabrina then lifted his servo to her the young girl looked at him before she climbed onto his servo. "I need extra help for protecting Starfire and her friends." he replied

Aurora looked at Sabrina as she was looking at her.

"I can assist with that... same with my crew." Aurora replied

"That is good news." Dreadwing said.

Aurora looked at him. "Indeed..." she replied before looking at Megatron again. "If you don't mind... I would like to get to know them personally..."

"You may do that Aurora... " Megatron replied

Aurora smiled as she looked at Sabrina again and laid out her servo, Sabrina hesitated for a moment before looking at her father he gave her a gentle nod before she moved onto Aurora's servo.

"I'll look after her don't worry." Aurora said

"I trust that you will..." Megatron replied

Aurora nodded before looking at Sabrina again Megatron soon took his leave and a few of the cons left with him, Echo, Spitfire, Miko, Jack and Raf stayed behind.

"She's going to want answers... And your sire is on this planet as well..." Spitfire told Aurora.

Aurora looked at her. "Optimus? Is on this planet?" she asked. "Frag..."

Sabrina and the other kids looked at her funny. "Something wrong with that?" Sabrina asked

Aurora looked at her. "Means I have a lot of explaining to do... and not to just my sister..." she replied

"But to your father as well." Echo added on.

Aurora sighed. "Yes..." she replied. "Something I didn't really want to do..."

"It has to happen sometime." Echo said gently.

"Indeed it has... and much has changed." Aurora replied before she looked at Sabrina. "So you are Starfire the Princess of the Decepticons."

Daughter of the Warlord [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora