New Recruit.

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Sabrina was in her room thinking to herself of her situation for the past four days she had been trying to figure out who she loved more Soundwave or Bumblebee, it was starting to get to her head she sighed before she decided to see what the others were up to.

Sabrina was still quite mad at Optimus for not letting her out of his sight it was really starting to aggravate her she sighed as she walked into the main room.

"Removing Bumblebee and replacing him with..." Raf said

Sabrina looked up towards the hand out area funny seeing Bumblebee looking towards it she started to walk up the stairs before she heard monkey sounds.

"The tap-dancing monkey strikes again." Jack said and he high fived Rafael

Sabrina sighed as she got up the stairs.

"Bumblebee sightings on the world wide web are no laughing matter." Ratchet replied

Sabrina looked over to him and sighed before she noticed Bulkhead stretching out his legs it seemed he was recovering from the tox-en really well.

"7, 8, 9." Miko said as she was helping her guardian out.

Bulkhead groaned as he leg fell to the side. "Why can't I just drive from now on?" He asked

Sabrina sighed as she leaned herself onto the railing as Ratchet turned to them.

"Because your legs will atrophy if you choose not to use them." Ratchet said

Bulkhead groaned before he started up again.

"1, 2, 3." Miko said

Sabrina shook her head before pushing away from the railing and towards the boys, Jack and Rafael looked at her before Jack noticed something and looked at Raf's computer screen. "Wait." He asked and pointed at the image. "What's that?"

Sabrina looked at the screen as Rafael zoomed in on the image and the two just looked at it. "A Cybertronian escape pod?" Sabrina asked

Optimus soon came to the group and Ratchet looked to her. "Here in Earth's atmosphere?" He asked

Rafael then brought the image up onto the bot's screen showing them. "Autobot or Decepticon?" Arcee asked as she moved towards them.

"Impossible to tell, given the image resolution." Ratchet replied

"In any event, this merits investigation." Optimus said looking at the screen.

"Could be a trap, and we're down one bot." Arcee said

Optimus, Sabrina, Miko and Bulkhead looked at her. Oh no Sabrina thought

Arcee looked at Ratchet. "Should we reach out to Wheeljack?" She asked

"I can hear you!" Bulkhead groaned

" I don't care if Bulkhead isn't combat-ready." Ratchet stated and looked back at Arcee. "After that revenge stunt he pulled with Miko and Sabrina, Wheeljack can stay rogue."

Sabrina looked at him. "Ouch... that's a little harsh." She said

Ratchet looked at her and sighed.

"An Autobot may be in distress." Optimus said and turned towards the ground bridge. "Ratchet, bring your medical kit."

The bots then prepared to head out Sabrina then tried to move down the stairs and get to the bridge but Jack grabbed her arm. "Sabrina no it's too dangerous." He said

Sabrina looked at him and growled lowly but he had managed to stop her from leaving the base with the bots as the bridge was opened and closed fast, Sabrina growled and ripped her arm away from Jack.

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