The Diary of Me-Beach Day

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Beach Day

I went to lab this morning and cleaned EVERYTHING. It was insane, but I've done worse. I went to lunch and two classes and then back to lab for beach day. We had beach activities and it was so very HOT out. I ran ice cube painting, where you take ice cubes and dip them in powder. The ice cubes melt and turn the powder into paint. You use that to put on a paper. Anyway, there was painting right beside me. I got paint on the back of my shirt. Everybody was freaking out about it. I couldn't see how much paint was there so I just shrugged it off. It didn't matter much to me since it was the end of the day and it was washable paint. When I looked in a mirror I saw that there were like four dots of paint on my shirt. I mean, really people? Stop freaking out over something that isn't a big deal! Sheesh!

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