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Maddie and Marduk are both missing. And to be honest, I'm missing Maddie like crazy. I mean, she's the person I want to be with the rest of my life. 

I can't believe Kendall's dead. And Maddies missing. Kendall Killed, Maddie Missing. 

Something in me is angry at Maddie. I saw her holding Marduks hand when Abby fed us the news about Kendall. But I can't get jealous. Marudk has turned into a father figure for her. And Kenzie. 

So it was probably just fraternal instinct to support his faux parent instinct to protect and comfort her. 

Or, she has feelings for him and not me. I sit on my couch while Mom talks to the police about Kendall's murder and Maddies disappearance. I tried earlier to speak, but I broke down and had to be escorted out of the room. 

All the sudden, my phone rings. I pick it up and a sense of joy washes over me. It's Maddie. 

"Maddie!" I cry when I answer. "Oh, Maddie! I've been so worried. Where are you? I miss you, and I love you." 

"Thanks, but I'm not Maddie," Marduks sweet southern accent says. 

I nearly hang up, but realize that Maddies with him if he's calling. 

"Maddies with you?" I say. 

"Yes," He says, sighing. "And she's staying with me. Unless you find her." 

"Find her? Where are you? What are you doing with her?" My voice is coming out in a jumbled panic. I have to find her. She needs to be by my side again.

I can't have her get something for Marduk and the two of them get together. I can't.

She can't cheat on me at a time like this. 

"I'm not doing anything," he laughs. "But, she's having a great time. And she thinks I'm quite lovely." He chuckles. "Oh, and she's in the hospital. We got into a small accident while driving. I'm fine, of course. But she's not."

Accident. I can't even. My head begins to spin and I feel nauseous. 

"Accident?" I stammer. "Well, what hospital? I'm gonna call the police if you don't tell me where she is right now." 

Marduk laughs over the phone again, and I want to march right over there and kill him. I would, if I knew where he was. 

"She's fine," He says. "She's a Little bruised and in shock, and she passed out, but we should be checked out here before you know it. Also...we're not coming back. And she's not coming back to you." 

"GET BACK HERE NOW!" I cry out, tears beginning to fall down my face. I hold the phone away so he can't hear me sobbing. I cover my mouth my hand. 

Kendall Killed, Maddie Missing. 

"Bye, Lani," He says, using the nickname that only closest friends use. I want to stab him to death. The phone clicks and beeps, and he has hung up. 

I drop my phone onto the couch and sob. I hug a pillow tight to my chest. This is awful.

Where's my girlfriend? 

"Kalani?" David's voice says. I look up. David looks at me, concern brewing in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, sitting next to me. 

"Oh, David!" I cry, sitting up. "It's horrible! Marduk is on the run, and he has Maddie. And she got into a car accident, and she's fine, and he's fine, but he has her and they're not coming back here!! Oh, and I don't know where she is. David, what do we do?!" 

David grunts in shock and wraps an arm around me. "We're gonna find her," He says. "Even if it takes forever. Well find her. And well do Kendall justice." He stops and clears his throat. 

"Speaking of her, her funeral is on Sunday." 

"I'm not going," I sob into his shoulder. He hugs me tightly. 

"You have to," he says softly. "It's what's right. I know it hurts, Kalani. And I'm so sorry." 

I nod and look up at him. "Are we really gonna find Maddie?" I ask. He nods with an aura of confidence I didn't know he had in him. 

"Yep," He says. "And were gonna find that Marduk guy too. And you know what I'm gonna do?"

"What?" I ask, having a feeling I know the answer. 

David smiles at me. 

"I'm gonna kill him."


A/n: GUYS THIS IS SO MUCH FUN THE ITENSITY IS REAL!!!  What do you guys think of David? Alright, gonna work on chapter nine! See ya! ❣️

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