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The weekend went by in a blur. I tried to spend some time with Maddie, because our nine month anniversary was coming soon, and I wanted to plan it. But she was nothing but a hurt soul the past couple of days, and the worst part is, she won't tell me why. 

Either way, now it's Monday, and I wake up in my bed feeling refreshed and excited. For a minute, I can't figure out why. Then I realize that there's going to be a new choreographer in town. 

I'm so excited. I hop out of bed and quickly put on my dance outfit.
Today's going to be great, even if Maddie is being a Negative Nancy. I won't let that stop me from having a good time. 

I rush downstairs and Mom is already done eating breakfast.

"Good morning," I say.

"Good morning," she replies, turning the page in her book. "How did you sleep?" 

"Not great," I admit. "I couldn't stop thinking about Maddie. She seemed so sad this weekend!" 

Mom nods sympathetically. "I understand," she replies. "Just give her a little space today.  She needs it." 

"But she's my girlfriend," I whine. Mom rolls her eyes and shakes her head. 

"We gotta get to dance," she says, "Wouldn't wanna miss meeting the new choreographer." She smiles and winks at me. 

We get to the studio twenty minutes late because traffic was bad and Mom got pulled over.
Mom mumbles angrily to herself as she stomps ahead of me into the studio. Kendall runs out and hugs me tightly. I smile and hug her back. 

"I can't wait to meet him!" She shrieks, and I laugh. 

Maddie walks up to us. 

"Hey, babe!" I say, leaning in and kissing her. She smiles. 

"Hey," she replies. I take her hand and Kendall's hand the three of us walk into the studio.

The three of us at best friends. And whenever we're together, Maddie and I try our best to not make Kendall feel like the third wheel. 

Jojo and Kenzie sqeaul when they see us. 

"He's coming in five minutes!" Kenzie says. "I'm so excited!" 

"Same," I say, feeling slightly overwhelmed by all of this excitement and chaos.

Abby calls our names and we rush out of the dancers den and into the studio. 

Abby gives us all warm smiles. 

"Ladies," she says in deep voice, "He's coming in five minutes." 

We all gasp and "ooh" and "ah" and giggle. Maddie just slightly chuckles beside me. I turn to her. She's looking down at her feet. 

I sigh and close my eyes briefly and remind myself to be patient with her. When I open my eyes, Maddies glaring at me. She could tell I was getting annoyed with her. 

Before long, as were all talking, the room falls silent as the door clicks. 

And in walks the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life.

He's got nice pants  and a button down, not tucked in, but still looks good. His hair and long and light brown and neat and well kept. His eyes are a deep, chocolatey brown. He's one of the hottest men I've ever seen. 

Maddie gasps beside me. I smirk. 

I look at Kendall. She stares at me.

"Oh my God," she mouths. I smile and nod, my eyes widening. 

"Hi," he says, catching all of our attention. His voice is smooth and low and raspy. "I'm Marduk Reyes. If you have any questions before Abby talks, feel free to ask them." 

I timidly raise my hand. 

"Yes?" He says, smirking and cocking an eyebrow at me. I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Uh," I say, "I was wondering. Do you dance yourself?" 

Marduk gives me a puzzled look. "Yes?" He says again. "That's-that's kind of why I'm here, hon."
That's when I notice it.

He's got the nicest western accent I've ever heard in my life. The other girls notice it as well, and I swear Jojo falls in love.

My face flushes. "Oh, right," I say, trying to remain calm and act casual.

Oh my God. I almost melt as I muster a weak, "It's okay." 

God, he is so FINE. 

Kendall and Kenzie ask a couple of questions about his past dance life, and we also learned that he sings. 

And Kenzie looked him up and played a track from a show down in Las Vegas, and Oh my GOD it was amazing. 

For the next two hours before morning break, all I could think about was him.


A/n: Hey, girlies! Chapter Two done!! This story is gonna be so dramatic and awesome and Malani filled!!!! I'm so excited I can't barely breathe (jk jk).
Bye loves!! ❣️

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