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It's a Saturday night. Kalani, my girlfriend of 8 months, and best friend of 4 years, is sitting beside me on the couch. We're watching The Office. 

Kalani snuggles against me as a funny part comes on. I shove popcorn into my mouth and chuckle airily, amused by how cute my girlfriend can be.

"What's so funny?" She asks me. "I had my eyes closed." I smile at her. She smiles back and pokes my cheek.

 I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, leaning over and kissing her cheek gently. "It was just something on the TV," I reassure her. "Don't worry, babe, you didn't miss anything." 

Kalani lets out a girlish giggle and wraps her arms around me. I feel a smile form on my lips.

"Okay," she laughs. After a moment of brief silence, a small, happy squeal comes out of her mouth. 

"What?" I say. 

"Nothing," she says, smiling up at me. "It's just that...I like it when you call me babe."

"Aw," I say, smiling to myself. Kalani and I make the perfect couple. Everyone thinks so. Even our parents. When we started dating back in early October, my mother, Melissa, sighed in relief and said, "Oh, I was wondering when this was going to happen."

Kalanis mother, Kira, had just simply smiled and said, "I thought you guys already were dating."
I'm actually very happy my mom and her mom are so accepting of me and Kalani. That's exactly what us girls in our teen years need. 

Accepting mothers and fathers. 

I cringe to myself as I think of my stepfather. His name is Gregg. He's awful about me and Kalani.
Kalani notices and taps my shoulder. 

"Hey?" she says. "Is everything okay?" 

"Fine," I lie. Kalani sighs in annoyance. 

"Stop thinking about Gregg," she says, rolling her eyes and leaning against my shoulder. "He's such a douchebag. You know this. I know this. Everyone but your mother knows this." 

I smile wanly. "Yeah," I say, "I guess you're right." Kalani laughs lightly and sits up. 

"I'm bored," she says. "Wanna go hang out at the studio?" 

"But we just got back from there," I reply. Kalani smiles.

"Kendall and Jojo are still there," she says, smirking. "So are a lot of people. Oh, and Kendall says that Abby wants us back there because she has news." 

I nod and groan as I sit up. "Fine," I say. I get up and take Kalanis hand. She kisses me on the cheek. 

"I love you, Mads," she says. I smile. 

"I love you too, Kalani."

We get to the studio and Abby is smiling. Her face lights up even brighter when she sees me. 

"Hello, girls!" She says. "I have very exciting news for you." 

"What is it?" We all say in unison. Then, because we're like that, we have laugh like crazy. 

"Stop!" Abby yells. Our laughing screeches to a halt. 

"Anyway," Abby continues, "On Monday, we will be getting a new choreographer." 

"Ooooh," Kenzie says. 

"And," Abby adds, "He will be a guy. His name is Marduk Reyes." 

Kalani looks at me. A look of excitement is on her face. 

"This is going to be awesome!" She says to me. I nod and she squeals. 

"He is very talented," Abby says. "He's very well known in the dancing industry. Please, be nice and welcoming when he gets here. He wants nothing but for you guys to succeed as dancers."
We all nod. 

"Thanks," Abby says, looking around the room. "Now, you guys can head to the dancers den." 

We run to the dancers den and Kenzie leaps onto the bench."A new choreographer!" She cries. "Who's a guy!"

"This is so exciting," Kendall says. 

For some reason, I don't feel excited. All I'm worried about is how he'll feel about us after he finds out me and Kalani are together. I tuck my knees into my chest and watch the chaos happen amongst my friends. 

"Do you think he'll like me?" Jojo asks. 

"I wonder if he's hot," Brynn says. 

"I bet you he's ugly," Kendall jokes. All the girls laugh. 

But not me. 

I look at Kalani. She looks at me and smiles. 

"Cheer up," she whispers. I nod. She takes my hand and grins. I grin back. 

Leave it to Kalani to make me smile. 

"What do you think, Maddie?" Jojo asks. 

"I think," I say, deciding to have a little fun, "He's a criminal." 

"A criminal?" Jojo says, laughing. We all laugh. 

But when I go home that night, as I lay in bed and stare at the mirror above my bed that distorts my image everyone the light turns off, I can't help but wonder if this new guy will really be the right fit.


I thought of this idea last night and I got super exited about it. I really hope you guys like this chapter. And maybe, if I choose to, I might do a face reveal. Idk yet, though.
Alright well, I'm gonna work on the next chapter now! Bye girlies!! ❣️

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