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So this week long vacation is going great okay? Ayesha took Sonny and Kenzie to the pool with Riley and Jarvis and his kids are going with Dre's son and Seth's. Me and Odell are getting Ava dressed to take her to Aaleeyah who's taking the baby patrol with both Britt's. Ayesha already left Ryan with them
and basically with this little set up me and Odell get quality alone time and some of the guys are probably going to sit in the tv room and play video games because they're guys. My sister is going out with Steph's sister and his brothers girlfriend. I was going with Ayesha but she told me that she'll be fine and that me and Odell need some alone time because we have been really busy with Carter. She's right...

I really wanted to go to the spa but Odell said he wanted to go out and explore a little. I had Ava in my arms and Odell was walking next to us...however I had to turn around because I forgot my phone, I cannot leave without it because it's my phone, I'm a busy person. Odell says he'll wait for us out here so me and Ava walk back to the hotel room and I cannot find my phone anywhere. I set Ava down while I search for my phone all over.

I finally find it when Brittany texts me asking where's Ava. It was under Sonny's bed. I roll my eyes because I let him use it while I was getting Kenzie ready and I guess I forgot about it.

I grab Ava's hand and we walk about to the hallway to look for Odell where we left him. I heard his voice booming through the hallway talking to someone. I didn't mind and I kept walking towards his voice except when he was in my view I saw his hands behind his back. I froze in my tracks and watched what he was doing.

I saw him messing with his fingers and I then was able to see that he was tugging his wedding ring off. I continued to watch and he slipped it in his pocket. I was so focused on watching him that I almost didn't bother to look at who he was talking to, however I did...and I almost wanted to kill him.

For some reason Zendaya was here on our trip...and Odell is flirting it up with her. Obviously they know each other well because they sound comfortable and at ease...which is weird considering he said he would never talk to her again after that time we separated.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to listen long because out of no where my three year old screamed "daddy!" Down the hall. Odell's head snapped back and I saw a look of panic in his eye when he noticed me standing there. Ava runs to Odell and I slowly walk behind her.

He picks her up and watches me intently. "Oh here's the pretty girl." Zendaya says to him. "Yeah she is.." he mumbles. "I know!" She says. "I didn't peg you for a family guy though." She replies. I'm now standing next to Odell trying not to open my mouth...and for some reason I'm surprisingly relaxed.

"This my baby mother..." Odell mumbles and I keep looking straight because I might kill him if I look at him or start crying. "yeah don't worry we aren't together." I add quickly. "Nice to meet you, I'm Zendaya...me and Odell have been friends for a while..you know what I mean, but it's really nice that he brought you with the family for a family vacation!" She says. "Yeah totally.." I reply. "Well I have to go.." I say as I grab Ava from Odell's arms and I walk away. "Hey I gotta go.." I hear Odell say to Zendaya and then I hear footsteps behind me. I continue to walk because I'm not kidding about how angry and upset I am at my husband.

"Alexis.." Odell calls me. "Leave me alone, respect your daughter and please leave me alone." I say because I don't want to cry infront of Ava. He sighs but I hear his footsteps stop so I guess he's not following me.

In the hallway I run into Steph and Seth as I'm trying to get to my room. "Hey Lex...you alright?" Steph asks me. I shake my head. "Hey Seth do you mind taking Ava to Aaleeyah..I'm going stay here.." Steph says. Seth takes Ava from my arms and walks away.

"Steph...Odell's been cheating on me.." I say as I just break down into tears. "Woah, wait what happened?" He asks me. "Zendaya is here for some reason...and I saw Odell talking to her and he slid off his ring and Ava ran up to him and he introduced me as his baby mother and Zendaya proceeded to tell me about how they are 'friends' and how nice Odell is for letting me tag along to his trips." I say to Steph. "Is this the same girl from before? Are you sure that's what happened?" Steph asks me. I nod and I sniffle trying to keep my tears in. I'm a grown woman crying over a man who has basically already done this and I don't know why I'm surprised.

Steph wraps his arms around me while I cry into his chest. He leads me to a couch and we sit, and I don't know how long I've been crying but I feel light headed. I think it's been like 2 hours and Steph hasn't said anything...maybe that's why he's my guy best friend. He knows what to do and say, or not to say in this case.

"I hope I don't see Odell, I might kill him Lex.." Steph says to me. A smile appears on my lips. "Steph...I don't get it...how can he tell me he loves me, and do this?" I ask. "He can't, he doesn't love you as much as he says he does, he can't disregard your feelings and trying to fix it by saying he loves you." Steph replies.

"But why would he...we have four kids, I do everything for him...and he tells me he loves me...he demonstrates it and treats me like a queen, I just don't understand why he's doing this Steph...like what is it that she has that I can't give him.."I say as I choke back tears. "I know I'm not a skinny size zero, I know I'm not super famous, I know I'm not tall and beautiful like her, I know all of this but I thought I was enough for him...he told me I was all he could ever hope for...he lied to me.." I say. My breathes start to become quick and shallow, I quickly realize that I cannot breath. Steph sees me struggling to breath and quickly jumps up and gets one of the workers to call 911. We're in Hawaii so the number still workers here!

I can't breath and I feel my body shaking. I'm almost positive I'm having a panic attack. I feel like a black veil is trying to smuggle me and it doesn't seem that that bad, the physical and emotional pain...could just stop! Why would I not want that?

"Alexis come on deep breaths.." Steph says to me as we wait for the paramedics. I try to breath and I get little amounts of air in but not enough to
Supply my body with air. Less than five minutes later, paramedics are running towards me as Steph waves his arms to signal them.

They have me do some breathing exercises and give me give me something to relax me which doesn't work to well because my body is in shock, like how could you react with what just happened to me this morning?

They take me to a hospital and Steph is by my side the whole time. I feel fine but they want to make sure that it was just a panic attack and nothing major. Someone Odell heard news of me being in a hospital because he shows up at my door.

"Alexis." He calls out to me. My and Steph's head snaps in his direction. "I don't think it a good idea for you to be here." Steph says in a voice that literally reeks hatred, anger...

"Alexis please." Odell begs. "Leave, I don't want to talk to you right now." I say as I try to avoid eye contact because I know that I'm a baby and I'll cry again if I stare into his eyes. "Man can we talk?" Odell says to Steph. He nods and follows him out of this little hospital room where they are just running tests. I'm probably leaving in the next few hours and that's good because I want to see my kids.

I've been texting my mom about Carter but I'm definitely not going to tell her about what happened. She loves Odell to much and it might break her heart a little more than mine.

When I finally left the doctors I was dreading going back to the hotel. Ayesha arranged a room for me so I could get out of the one me and Odell shared. I was able to sneak into our hotel room and take my stuff and I text Odell that if he wanted he could stay with the kids tonight because I might be angry but I'm not a bad mother and my kids shouldn't suffer because of his actions.

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