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I woke up on the kitchen floor still upset about Odell but I can't just take this time off. I have to get ready and put on a brave face for my girls, luckily my parents want to take Ava out today so I can just drop Kenzie at school and then I have time to get myself together.

I quickly ran to get ready because my mom was coming to get her before I take Kenzie to school. Once I was ready I woke up Kenzie and put her to take her bath. Then I woke up Ava and I did all the preparations for her to go out. I honestly wanted to cry looking at Ava because she was conceived from me and Odell's love but it isn't even real.

When I got Kenzie ready my mom arrived and she got everything packed in her car then finally came to get Ava. "Hey where's Odell?" She asks me. "He had to go." I say vaguely.

"Oh okay.." she replies as she says bye to Kenzie and I say bye to Ava. I then grab Kenzie's hand and I put her in the car and we are ready to go. She talks the whole time about how she can't wait for her birthday next year because we joined her and Riley's birthday and had a huge party in Cali, plus she misses her bestie.

When I arrive at Kenzie's school I walk her in quickly because she's almost late and then I say bye and I get on with this. I walk outside just to find Christian's baby mama, outside. This lady I don't even know her name but I literally can't stand her.

"Hey, Alexis right?" She calls me. "Ugh I thought Jesus punished me enough! What do you want?" I say sarcastically. "Again I just want to talk." She says. "Oh no, not this again..I already explained to you that I barely have time to chew gum, so why would I have time to talk to you about your relationship?" I ask her.

"But it's important.." she says. "It could be the cheat codes to the universe baby I'm not interested...if you want to talk to me that bad you track me down, and make an appointment, with fees paid of course." I say to her playfully. "If that's what it takes then I might just have too." She says.

"Goodluck baby, best wishes to you and that psycho." I say as I go to my car and I get in it. I drive to a restaurant because I agreed to have breakfast with Kobe. And NO! By no means is this a date, he just wants to make sure I'm okay after what happened.

I wasn't to far so when I arrived he was just sitting down I came and joined him and he got up to give me a hug.

"You alright?" He asks me. "Yes I was however wondering would you be open to a business proposal? You know to make me feel better.." I say playfully. "What do you want?" He asks me. "A throwback hoops poster, something to kind of become a staple, and I was thinking I could have you and my dad on it, with your uniforms, and with your shoes you guys designed, and it can be like an epic dual for you two, I thought of the idea because I have a basketball sponsor and they would love this, come on it's a great opportunity." I say. "I like it, but what do you get out of it, cause it's not like you posing with me, I wouldn't mind though.." he says slyly. "Stoppp, I just need more things to do." I say.

"Fair enough." He replies. We spent the rest of our meal talking and having a good time but now I'm ready to head out home and cry some more.

I spent a while on my laptop on the couch cuddling with Santa but I couldn't focus. I felt my phone ring a few times and it was probably Odell so I ignored it. However at around 1:30 I heard a knock on my door. Santa ran up to the door like he knew who it was so it's probably Odell.

"Odell go away!" I yell as I walk towards the door. The person behind the door didn't say anything so I went and opened the door.

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