Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

Pulling into the driveway of this huge mansion was surreal. There must have been a mistake. I shook my head in disbelief. Who was my mother? I slowly emerged from the car and grabbed the few things I had to my name. It wasn't much. My guitar, song book, clothes, $500 and my iPhone. Should I knock or ring the doorbell? What if she has kids ?

She will hate me.. Everyone does. Little arguments were running through my mind as I stood on those front steps wondering weather to knock or ring the doorbell. I like doorbells. The door opened within 15 seconds. A short lady that was about a good 3 inches shorter than my 5"7 body with brown short hair, brown eyes And a warm smile wrapped me in a hug.

"you look so much like your father." she looked at me in a way that warmed my heart. I'll take that as a compliment. She led me in this huge house and up the stairs.

"I don't know If you'll like it or not.. My son.. And your brother... Helped me with some of it when he's home but that's not often. You'll meet him tonight. I'm so sorry I had to give you up.. I wasn't right at the time... And I never wanted too... I'm sorry."

A tear rolled down her cheek and my heart broke, my mom. My real mom. Wanted me. A piece of my heart melted and I hugged her.

"do I call you mom .. Or ? I don't really know what to say..." I looked down at the carpet and gave a small smile.

"of course you can call me mom! I am your mom. And Liam will be by the house today, I wasn't sure if you played instruments so Liam picked up 2 basic instruments for you. A guitar and a piano. You'll meet him tonight if he can. His band mates will be by too, I'll leave you alone and then come down for supper. I love you" my mom kissed me on the cheek and left me. I finally looked around my room. A huge king sized bed with blue carpets and blue pained walls. I'm so glad they picked me out a guitar and piano. I love playing. And singing. Didn't she say Liam was in a band ? I wonder if it's just a garage band. The only music I listen to is Bon Jovi, The Coronas, Justin Bieber etc. I picked up the guitar and started playing boyfriend.

If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go, I could take you placed you ain't ever Been before. Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know, I got money in my hands that I'd really like to blow. Swag swag swag on you. chilling by the fire while we're eating fondu, I don't know about me but I know about you. So say hello to falsetto in 3,2 swag.

I finished the falsetto part and sighed. I want to be a singer so bad. Stand in front of screaming fans. Doing what you love. It's a dream. I better go downstairs. To meet Liam and his band. I changed into a nicer shirt and let down my hair. Good enough. Still gross, but they'll have to deal with that, my shirt still covered the scars on my wrists so that's good. I've never been nervous before, but what if my dad doesn't like me? What if Liam doesn't ? I looked up from the stairs and saw 5 gorgeous boys standing there. I admediatly pulled at my shirt and had an instinct to cry. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at them. One had shortish brown hair with brown eyes and looked extremely fit. One beside him had darker skin, black hair that spiked up, the other had curly brown hair that looked so soft. He had green eyes that made you want to melt. Another had light brown hair that went everywhere and he wore suspenders. But the one on the end had noticed me clutching my shirt. He had blonde hair with brown mixed in and it kind of stuck up everywhere but his eyes captivated me. They were a bright blue that reminded me of the sky. I simply died when I looked into them. He raised an eyebrow at me and smiled. I just walked past them to my mom.

"honey this is liam. Your brother"

She swallowed nervously and pointed to the first boy . I smiled and he brought me in for a hug.

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