Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
I woke up with Niall gone and a note left on the bedside table

Dear princess,
We had to leave early to go do some press things and meet and greets, I called Mac and Emma to come keep you company but I'll see you at the club tonight
Love you

I smiled and set down the note. Dragging myself out of bed I noticed my phone had numerous texts from Emma, Mac and ash so I thought maybe I should call him

Me- what's with all the texts? Is everything ok?

Ash- omg you're finally awake! Emma and Mackenzie have been here for over an hour because you didn't hear the door


I hung up on ash and went to get ready for the day. By the time I put on jeans and a t-shirt the girls were at my door and I laughed

"Sorry about that girls, you know better than anyone I'm a heavy sleeper!" I teased

"Yeah like that year we went to camp and the cabin caught on fire. All the alarms were going off and you just laid there peacefully sleeping so the head councillor had to carry you out!" Mac laughed

"We agreed never to speak of that" I said

"Yeah well it's one of the scariest and funniest things that's ever happened soooo" Emma laughed

I rolled my eyes and continued to look in my closet for something to wear tonight we were all going to a club.

"We need to make you look hot for your superstar boyfriend" Mac teased

"I don't think I'm capeable of looking hot, unless you rolled me in a fire or something, because you know, that would be pretty hot." I joked

Mackenzie threw a pillow from across the room and It hit me in the back of the head.

"Fine you can find something for me to wear but there no guarantees that I'll like it." I groaned and say down on the bed while Mac and Emma exchanged smiles and ran to my closet. I sat there scrolling through my twitter looking at some of my mentions.

"Do I have man hands guys?" I asked as I read one of the mentions.

"Really el? Man hands? Of course not!" Mac laughed

I nodded and put my phone down. Some twitter accounts could be so cruel I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize Emma was saying something to me.

"So try this on then we'll get dressed and we then move on to the hair issue." Emma said

"Hair issue?" I questioned

"Well you see Emma wants to dye her hair blonde but she's terrified and I have the dye here so we're dying her hair and she has no choice."

I gave a thumbs up and went to go put on the dress they picked out, I didn't even look at it until I had it on, it was a short, pure blood red dress it had a sweetheart neckline and was strapless, I dropped my hair out of my ponytail and did a turn in the mirror, it made my tan stand out perfectly and made my green eyes shimmer, my girls did good. It also hugged every single one of my curls perfectly. I walked out of the bathroom and the girls stared

"Holy Elena, Niall won't even know what hit him" Emma gushed

I blushed and did a turn for them, Mac threw a pair of heels at me and went back to putting blonde hair dye over Emma's natural reddish brown hair. While they were doing her hair I started curling mine in loose waves. When I finished I looked over at Mac and she was wearing a black fitted dress that flared a little at the waist but was tight at the top. She looked gorgeous.

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